Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra Tammy’s views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his wife, his pastor, Tammy’s neighbors, Brady Preheim, Marty Rowe, President Elon Musk, President Trump, Joe Biden, Tim Walz, Jerry Falwell Jr., Mike Johnson, J.D. Vance, Vlad Putin, Ted Cruz, Kamala Harris, Trump’s MAGA followers, or my neighbor’s dogs. This Tammy’s Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or even reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she refuses to be bullied by anyone. See Bill’s Standard Disclaimer
Representing News Media
From: Tammy Maygra <tammymaygra@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2025 5:33 PM To: kpayne@sthelensoregon.gov <kpayne@sthelensoregon.gov> Subject: appeal exec session decision (Legal Note *Decisions can not be legally made during Executive Sessions-ORS 196.660)
Kathy, Please send to the appropriate people, thank you. I am officially appealing the decision by the council to deny me to attend exec sessions. I would like to add that as a co-host on Odd Friday we have our opinions sometimes in agreement and sometimes not on various issues. But we report the news, From factual documentation, through FOIA requests, or other trusted news sources. Just like the Spotlight does, or KGW, or any other news, media outlet, radio or pod cast. We read and report from, reports, documents, and stories on various subjects from the environment, health, science etc. For example, we reported on the police investigation, not offering our opinions but repeating the facts from the investigation document.
So, for the council to proclaim that we are not a news source is absolutely outrageous, a mistruth and frankly their biased opinion. The council makes decisions every meeting from information they are provided, and then make a decision from their individual thoughts which equal’s opinions on what they think on said subject. All could be rendered different from each member, or mayor.
I believe the council is prejudice against myself and co-host because we have tackled hard issues, said hard things and brought forth information to the public the council might wish to keep quiet. We have tackled individual councilors and the mayor for their actions or words on issues that are highly contentious within the city.
We have reported that the candidate for mayor was knowingly breaking a city ordinance, regarding her political signs. Was it opinion, absolutely not, we read the ordinance, and have pictures of the violation. After the candidate was contacted by the city, and one sign issue solved.
The now elected mayor continued to break city ordinances with her lighted signs. Could her vote to keep me out of exec session be retaliation, I believe so. Another councilor was so upset by information, I reveled at a city meeting, regarding him receiving approximately $200,000 plus from Main-Street. He got so angry he quit and walked out of the meeting. Then decided to come back at the request of the previous mayor.. Was his vote in retaliation? I believe so.
As a news source it is our job to get all information out to the public, pleasant or not. No matter who it involves. We have guests from all different walks in life, also political, business and government, questioning operations, new businesses, old businesses. Whatever is happening we investigate and report. I have added more information on the eligibility to attend these sessions. The St. Helens Update is recognized as a news source by The Oregon Newspapers and News media Guide. http://www.abyznewslinks.com/uniteor.htm
Please use the response below to satisfy the city’s redundant, superfluous, and inconsequential, requirements to my application to be considered a media person to attend Exec. Sessions. I have clearly answered these questions, but will do so again.
This is again my documentation to the already answered questions provided in my first application. To the 2 questions you repeatedly ask below. My information is clear, precise, and accurate, and I don’t understand why the city cannot comprehend simple documentation.
I am providing ORS and judicial order. On media. Also the full document from Oregon Newspapers and News Media Guide.
If you will go to the S section as they are listed in alphabetical order, you will clearly see that the news sources I listed in my form are listed in the News, media Guide.
Oregon revised statutes,(ORS’s.) 44.510. In Oregon law, the ORS definition for "media" is found within ORS 44.510, which defines "medium of communication" as including any newspaper, magazine, periodical, book, broadcast station, cable television system, or other means of disseminating information to the public; essentially encompassing all forms of news and communication channels
Oregon Department of Justice; order 8291, date April 18, 2016
Thank You, Tammy Maygra
Odd Friday Talk and News show