Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy’s views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy’s neighbors, Wayne Mayo, Brian Stout, Former President Trump, Henry Heimuller, Joe Biden, Jerry Falwell Jr., Mike Johnson, Ted Cruz, Joe Biden’s dogs, or Claudia Eagle’s Cats. This Tammy’s Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or even reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she refuses to be bullied by anyone. See Bill’s Standard Disclaimer

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Do your civic Duty. Every vote Counts!


I was not going to write an article on local politics this week, then decided to hell with it. I was going too any way.

Some people might find this article petty. At first glance maybe so, it’s the principle, and if you do not have principles you have nothing. If you actually sit down and think about it, it may become clear that it really is not petty at all.

The issue before us is this. Should a candidate have to abide by election law rules at all times? Should a candidate who is running for mayor be held to a higher standard.

We have the regular sign violations, where folks put signs on public right a ways such along highway 30 on the highway side of light poles. Whereas, ODOT drives around and removes the signs and puts them in the highway departments shop where candidates can pick them up.

Then we have a mayoral candidate in St Helens who has taken it a step further.  The candidate for mayor is Jennifer Massey. MS Massy has lighted signs.

It first started when she erected a sign across a narrow lane on her property to face her next door neighbor because he would not support her for mayor and was openly vocal about his opinion. He also had her two opponent’s signs in his lawn. Let me be clear I asked him about this. She did not ask him if she could put a sign in his yard, which he would have let her if she had asked.

So in retaliation she constructed a huge sign on her property, just off the drive by a few inches. It is pointed directly at the neighbor’s picture window, Massey then put a light on the sign so it would be lighted up all night. When the neighbor looked into the city ordinance on signs, the ordinance clearly states that no lighted signs allowed. And the fine is $1,800 per violation and 30 days in jail.

The city took the complaint, in order for the city to act, there must be an official complaint form filled out because the ordinance is complaint driven. The city then drove by and seen that the sign was indeed in violation with the city’s ordinance. The city then proceeded to write Massy a letter to inform her she is in violation, she must remove the light.

She did remove the light then a few days later is was back.

Massy was not going to admit that she was in the wrong, and then proceeded to do what we call the Massy shuffle, she will somehow circumvent the law to fit her narrative.  She then put up a No Trespassing sign attached it to the political sign, and then shown the light supposedly on the No trespass sign. But in fact it missed the No trespass sign and it continued to light the political sign. So she figured out to bend the rules to accommodate her wants. She did so just to aggravate  her neighbor.

Then she figured she could do as she wanted, days later she constructed another huge sign on Sunset Blvd. and it is lighted. Apparently she figures she is above the law, if she wins the mayor position what other laws will she break so she can benefit? Good question if you think about it. She knows a lighted sign is against city law yet continues to do as she please, I guess she believes she is above the law that other people are required to follow.

After more complaints, the city decided to write letters to all the candidates to remind them about sign laws, then the city removed some illegal posted signs of all the candidates. The home owners on Sunset Blvd. received a letter directing them to remove the lights on the sign or they would be fined $1,800 .

The city finally took action after much direct communication from the complaints from citizens.

Some people will think this issue is petty. But is it? Not so.

When you are running for the top position in the city, you should follow the rules, regulations, ordinances that govern the city and its populace.  I understand that a person may not know all the ordinances the city has because there are many. But when you are informed that you are in violation, you should simply follow the rules, not circumvent the rules/laws. And furthermore you should not continue to violate said rules/regulations.

What does this say about the integrity of the person running and just what other laws would they ignore if elected? Why does Massy feel that she is above the law, the law which all others must follow?

Some people would say there are laws that are not enforced every day, for example, breaking the speed limit. Agreed, we all speed now and then but then when we are caught we are given a citation and must pay the fine and hopefully slow down. We are held accountable for our actions. Something Massy should be too. Most of us pay the fine and do not try and wiggle out of it. But not Massy she will do whatever it takes to get her way.

I have had dealings with her in the political realm, she will never admit she is wrong or put out wrong information even when proven wrong, do you want someone like that as your mayor? I would take a look at other candidates.

Election day is coming up shortly, please read about these candidates, how they see the future of the city, the taxes being put on your water bill, which will increase heavily by the way. The possibility of the city being broke, the selling of city holdings to shore up the misspent projects and budget shortfall.. The Millard property of approximately 8 acres along with another approximately 16 acres. All for $3.1 million what a joke. The Millard property, taxpayers have that much into it as of 2012 and its value surely has risen in the last 12 years. Everyone else’s property value has gone up. Why not the old hospital property. Along with the other property?

Is the city selling cheap to save their own budget a band aid fix? You decide.

On another note: The ballots and voters pamphlet are now out. There are many measures to decide on as well. Please educate yourself please do not go on face value.  911 has a reserve of over $5 million, do they need more money? I don’t think so. They get approximately 25.5 cents per thousand no matter what. They claim they will have to lay off 911 operators, which is not true, they are running short handed as it is and has available spots they are trying to fill. They did not do a RFP on the new 911 system, they want to merge with Washington County, remember the PCC issues, and purchase 12 year old used equipment the list goes on and on. They want to spend over $30 million with another levy coming soon.






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