You have informed the people of our dereliction of duty.
Therefore we must change the rules once again!"
The first time I voted was in the presidential election of 1976, where I proudly cast my vote for Jimmy Carter. I was like most young people, eager to participate in the doctrine of my government. Something that had been taught to me by both my parents who were avid voters, never missing an election, always telling me that it is your duty and right as an American to vote. If you don't vote than you do not have a right to complain on how your government is being run. Emphasizing the point, that voting is one of the avenues the people uses to voice their concerns in America. That's how your elected officials make policy for the people by carrying out the voice of the people; one is by the outcome of elections. Mom and dad also said that if you did not vote than that right would slowly be taken away from you.
Needless to say, I started out really early writing letters to my Congressman, Senators and even several Presidents of our country, stating my opinions on certain subjects. I felt that I was part of our government, just waiting for the day that I could cast my vote, so my voice could be heard. I was going to be part of my government. How exciting for a young American, like many others I thought that the world was at our fingertips and we were going to make a change, by God this is America! So I have lived this philosophy dedicated to make a change, I too have voted in every election since November 1976.
Now, here I am a lot older and much wiser, I know that in Columbia County your vote does not count, it is apparent that our elected officials Commissioner Tony Hyde and Rita Bernhard do not follow the principles on which this country along with Women's Suffrage has set its standards. Our forefathers had the foresight to demand that Americans have the right to vote, a right to have a voice in their government, elected officials that carry out the will of the people. Elected officials and not a monarchy. Words of the Constitution, "A government by the people and for the people" certainly does not ring true in Columbia County.
Here in Columbia County we have two commissioners who deliberately refuse to carry out the will/vote of the people, instead they pick and choose which regulations, what part of a regulation. Who to enforce the regulations on/ or partly on, changing the rules whenever they so choose. What makes their acts so disgraceful is that they openly boast that they can pick and choose the rules they want to enforce at any given time, or to use their own language or favorite term "interpret" the rules anyway they so choose. How convenient for these two commissioners, how sad for the voters of Columbia County.
If ignoring the outcome of an election, silencing the voters voice, is not enough for these two dastardly County Commissioners. Commissioner Bernhard has decided to take it one step further…
Commissioner Bernhard has decided to change the structure of the Wednesday commissioners meeting. She is taking aim at yours truly Tammy Maygra and Thelma Bonar, Bernhard has in the past required Maygra and Bonar to get on the agenda if they wished to address the commissioners in the public meeting on various topics, if the subject required more than 5 minutes. Maygra and Bonar adhered to the request. Bernhard is now changing this format, only after Bonar and Maygra directed comments to the county commissioners on several issues. You must understand that a plain ordinary citizen must not question Hyde and Bernhard about issues in the county especially if they differ on opinions. By the actions of these two commissioners it is apparent where their loyalties lay.
Bernhard told Bonar that they need only to speak at public comment time, that the agenda was there for the county to carry out business. I always thought that public participation is the business of the county, and that it was the commissioners' job/duty to listen to John Q Public when the public took the time to come before the board. Bernhard has told Bonar that she intends to change the meeting format, (changing the format would limit the publics' participation time in the citizens' own government.)
Bernhard, who had a conversation with Bonar by telephone, expressed her distain for the two ladies who openly oppose and question actions by Hyde and Bernhard, along with other issues that affect the county and its residents. Bonar's "interpretation" of the conversation with Bernhard, was that Bernhard insinuated that the ladies were nothing but trouble makers, Bernhard also pointed out that if it were not for Maygra and Bonar the public would not have known, that the commissioners were not enforcing the depletion fee ordinance, and there would not be an uproar over the issue. To bad the public don't know the actual loss of revenue to the road department, monies that could fix our roads, which are in desperate need of repair. (I guess it's not the publics right to know what is going on in their government or in this case what is not going on.)
Bernhard also said that the people did not understand what the depletion fee was in 1996 when the voters over whelming approved the amended ordinance; I guess Bernhard's and Hyde's disillusioned way of thinking, justifies her and Hyde's non-enforcement of the regulation. Pretty lame excuse in my opinion. Right now more than ever, we citizens must stand firm, we must demand that our elected officials work for us and not special interests, we must continue to exercise our right to vote, even if our vote is not carried out on certain ballot measures, we must cast our precious vote again to remove these types of politicians, who have little or no regard for the common citizens of this country.
If Commissioner Bernhard thinks that by changing the format of the commissioners meeting, will silence Mrs. Bonar and myself, think again Commissioner Bernhard, your actions has only enforced our determination, to fight for the peoples right to participate in THEIR GOVERNMENT, and not to be silenced by your self appointed MONARCHY!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government.
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