To the people of Clatsop County you are being promised the moon by these seedy companies.  Some of these companies are on shaky financial grounds, others may have the money to build LNG facilities but will burden taxpayers with the majority of the costs associated with security, tax cuts and other corporate welfare give- a ways. There are always hidden losses that money cannot replace such as the environmental damaged caused by the loss of critical estuaries. Jobs will be lost along with a way of life. What will happen will effect generations of fisherman, and the way we all use the Columbia River will be forever changed.
Here in Oregon we have a beautiful river, a river that draws people from all around the United States and the world.  Tourists come just to see and experience the mighty Columbia River, a waterway that needs to remain free.  We do need a waterway where you will need permission before you use it, or a water way where you have to leave when a LNG tanker is passing by with a highly dangerous cargo
"Labeled Terrorist Target." I do not believe that a Corporation should have the right to take away one of our basic rights, to use our river.  If these proposed LNG facilities are allowed to site any where on the Columbia River we will have lost an irreplaceable part of history, our lives, and our future. Please educate yourself on LNG and everything that is associated with the industry.

Tammy Maygra

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