Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra Tammy’s views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy’s neighbors, Wayne Mayo, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, President Trump, Henry Heimuller, VP Pence, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia’s dog, or Claudia Eagle’s Cats. This Tammy’s Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or even reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she refuses to be bullied by anyone. See Standard Disclaimer.
Exercise and Eat Healthy
Modern medicine has told us that we need exercise; we need to eat healthy with low sugar, low fat, and high fat depending on which doctor is speaking to you.Eating fruits and veggies, little red meat, more chicken and fish, but mostly lettuce and such. And Americans still have health issues with heart disease. Well heart disease is nothing new and has been an issue for thousands of years. Here is a story about heart disease from thousands of years ago, and from different parts of the world. Recently discovered Egyptian mummies went through a battery of tests and an arterial sample. These Four-thousand-year-old mummies have cholesterol buildup in their arteries, suggesting that heart disease was likely more common in ancient times than once thought. Researchers have studied arteries from five ancient mummies from South America and ancient Egypt, identifying an earlier stage of atherosclerosis or when plaque collects on artery walls and restricts blood flow. Is heart disease a disease of the modern day, or is it some process that is natural to humans, regardless of modern life and all the precautions we now take? The collected arterial samples from five mummies dating from 2000 B.C. to A.D. 1000; the remains represented three men and two women, who were between 18 years old and 60 years old. The scientists scanned tiny sections of arteries, which were just a few centimeters in length. Their examination discovered lesions from accumulated cholesterol, precursors to the plaque buildup that blocks arteries and leads to heart attacks. This is the first evidence of earlier-stage lesions in mummies from different parts of the world. Earlier studies found later-stage arterial plaque in mummies from Greenland dating to 500 years ago, and in Egyptian mummies dating to more than 3,000 years ago. And CT scans of the mummified Ice Age hunter Ötzi revealed in 2018 that he was a likely candidate for a heart attack, with three sections of hardened plaque near his heart. Cholesterol deposits on arterial walls "essentially are the body's wound healing mechanism gone wrong, It's in response to multiple traumas like infections, high cholesterol, exposure to smoke and other issues that can damage the inner lining of arteries, called the endothelium. The body's inflammatory response is a normal part of wound healing, but damaged arterial walls are susceptible to buildup of white blood cells, which can lead to accumulations of cholesterol. This buildup first shows up as streaks and lesions, and can later thicken enough to block arterial blood flow. "These are very well-known processes that we find under the microscope in the modern age, we now have seen similar patterns in our ancestor’s. It looks like this inflammatory process and the response is an inherent part of our life. No matter what period of time we have lived in or are living in or what parts of the world. 16th-century Greenland mummies — four Inuit adults and an Inuit child mummies, the adults were tested and they had heart disease. The study was part of an international effort investigating heart disease in preindustrial and hunter-gatherer civilizations. Associated with high-cholesterol diets that includes foods such as beef, pork and high-fat dairy products. These people ate a lot of high fat meats. It was the first time facts regarding heart disease from those who lived a long time ago produced evidence that even healthy people of Greenland had heart disease. Ötzi the famous "Iceman" was found to have heart disease. He was about 46 years old. He died near a mountain pass high in the Alps. He was shot with an arrow in the shoulder and was thought to have bled to death, he had a cut in his hand that went to the bone and he was struck in the head. Ötzi is the oldest mummy in Europe, and scientists have studied nearly every possible aspect of his life and death, from his tattoos and tools to his diet and DNA. (CT) scan showed that Ötzi had three calcifications (hardened plaques) in his heart area, putting him at increased risk for a heart attack. Ötzi also had calcifications around his carotid artery, which carries blood to the head and neck, and in the arteries at the base of his skull, which carry blood to the brain. Both hardened plaques likely elevated Ötzi's risk of a stroke. Even though he was physically very active as life in those days were, and had to be to survive, their diets of mostly meat probably contributed to the disease. Ötzi's last meal included the fatty meat of a wild goat, as well as wild deer while deer is considered a lean meat, and grains. Leafy options were not really available in those days. Unless they grabbed a handful of some vegetation as they wandered. Since they were not growing carrots, lettuce, etc. If Otzi could come to modern times doctors would want to perform a ream job of his carotid endarterectomy, to prevent a stroke. He was certainly heading for trouble. Given that Ötzi wasn't overweight, didn't smoke tobacco, regularly exercised and likely didn't have a high-fat diet ,at least by today's standards, it appears that his genes and not his daily routine explained his health condition. Compared to modern standards, he would not be considered as a risk patient. , Heart doctors think a different diet, such as vegetarian or vegan, wouldn’t have helped Ötzi. Ötzi is one of the oldest cases of vascular calcification, and "a medical example showing that a genetic predisposition is probably the most important cause factor for arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Egyptian mummies also had heart disease. The mummy, Hatiay, who lived between 1550 and 1295 BC, had extensive vascular disease. Princess Ahmose-Meryet-Amon, lived between 1580 and 1550 BC and is one of the oldest known case’s of human heart disease. Science has proven how widespread heart disease risk may have been thousands of years ago. Even though modern medicine is trying to omit or reduce heart disease through diet and exercise some of us are just going to have some sort of heart disease no matter what we do. So what do we do? I say eat what you want, try and get some exercise it cant hurt. You only go around once on this earth so enjoy your life any old way you want because in the end we all leave this earth the same way, dead.