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Hyde and Davis Bacon
Commissioner Tony Hyde twice verbally attacked the Davis Bacon Law at the December 6th commissioner meeting. Stating, that he is often asked why it cost so much to build schools, he said that he answers the question with an explanation, Davis Bacon (prevailing wage jobs) was the reason it cost so much to build entities such as schools, or other entities that receives public money for construction. His apparent dislike and attack on this law is nothing more than an attack on the middle class worker and their families. Hmm, Columbia County is made up of middle class workers. The very people who pays Mr. Hydes" wages.
Commissioner Tony Hyde enjoys his $52.00 per hour job, figuring out to about $107,000.00 PER YEAR! He receives these wages through a round about collective bargaining process. Yet he would like to keep his continuants at much lower wages. And it seems he does his job well.
Hydes bargaining with several corporations has shed the light on Hydes" dislike for union wages, (other than his own) for example, his agreement with Pacific Stainless to hire non -union contractors out of Eugene rather than local union crafts, where as union pkgs. would be similar to Mr. Hydes' wage and benefit pkg. Instead the hourly rate of $12,00 per hour with NO benefits was paid. Good going Mr. Hyde, Columbia County construction workers applaud you!
A few years ago he boasted about keeping local construction jobs at the Wanna Mill working with Clatsop County and Wanna, the only problem was that the construction work was done by T. I. C. a non-union "RAT" outfit. Who sends their own workers to the area where the job is to be done ahead of time, they set up residence and BINGO T.I.C. arrives, calls their own people for the job, and it looks on paper that the workers were in fact local construction workers. What a scam, but needless to say this is how they get around paying good union wages. Your County Commissioner is right in with these actions not uttering a word otherwise.
The next time you look at your pay check Commissioner Hyde remember who pays you these wages and benefits and how you were able to receive such good wages, you are not the only person who deserves decent wages and benefits. Try supporting Davis Bacon instead of supporting the usual republican agenda of out sourcing jobs, and supporting Wal-Mart type wages with no benefits.
The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 is a United States Federal Law which established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects. All federal government construction contracts, and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000, must include provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing wages and benefits paid on similar projects
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