Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, President Obama, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she refuses to be bullied by anyone.

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This Could Easily Happen Here
By Tammy Maygra

The explosion of an oil train in West Virginia reinforces the need to stop the hauling of this extremely rail cars are explosive and flammable crude oil until the constructed to withstand a derailment. We know that this is not going to happen because the oil companies will always put profit before people. The US government acknowledges that the rail cars are in inadequate condition but continues to allow these explosive time bombs to travel throughout our communities.

The Port of St. Helens could be a pioneer in demanding that the increase of crude trains that are passing through Columbia County be halted until the rail cars that are carrying the highly explosive crude are constructed to be safe. Well - we all know that this won't happen because the port commissioners continually support the crude trains over public safety.

The port -along with the county commissioners are so desperate for a little tax revenue at Port West Ward and I say little because the county gives away millions in tax abatements to the rich corporations that fund their political campaigns. The county has indebted the local taxpayers so deep they will allow any and usually the dirtier the better industry to site - with little or no regard for the safety of the public or the environment. Both of these government bodies have incurred so much debt in the development of Port West Ward which they are continuing to spend millions at the site for various projects- which the taxpayers will never see the end to this money pit.

With the added crude oil trains passing through Columbia County, accidents like the one in Virginia is more and more likely to happen. Instead of the port trying to remodel berth II for other dirty fossil fuel exports- they should take the time they spent misrepresenting facts on the Connect Oregon program and start figuring out a way to break the lease with Global Oil and ensure the safety of the citizens.   

At the Feb. 11th port meeting port commissioner Robert Keyser tried to defend Patrick Trapp port director from angry citizens who held up signs saying fraud, liar, and resign regarding the highly reported Connect Oregon application controversy. Keyser said maybe the port should sue the people including other government agencies taking aim at Trapp. If anyone believes the port of St. Helens gives a rip about your safety regarding crude trains or any other issue-Keysers statement openly proves that as the chair of the port he don't give a damn what the public wants or thinks or public safety, the port will carry on business as usual behind closed doors, breaking public record laws, and fraudulent applications.   
The people on the port district need to go.


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