"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else"
- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

Tammy's Take,

The President is having a good week? The President made an historic trip to a free and Sovereign Iraq last week. He proclaimed that the new Iraqi government is a classic exercise in democracy. On June 14th the White House was the recipient of more good news, Karl Rove escapes indictment in the CIA leak scandal. I guess that's good news considering the criminals is this administration and the Republican controlled Congress.

As the mastermind and architect of this illegitimate Presidency, Rove has wasted no time attacking the democrats, since he won't be a guest at the federal prison. Rove says that John Mertha and John Kerry and the democrats will be there for the first shots fired in a war, but won't back you for the real battles. Now, how curious is that statement since Karl Rove failed to prove his patriotism to this great nation during a time of war. Instead of actually being a patriotic American, Mr. Rove has taken it upon himself on behalf of G. Dummya Bush to dishonor and disgrace American fighting men and women. The Republican Chicken Hawks know no bounds when it comes to dishonoring American Hero's.

You saw it in the primaries in South Carolina when the Chicken Hawks attacked John McCain for giving secret information to the Vietnamese while he was a prisoner of war. I wonder how many secrets one would know, about operations in a war zone after being captive for 6 years? Then they attacked Max Cleland's honor during the Republican Senatorial campaign, this war hero left ½ of his body on the battlefield of Vietnam.  They continued with attacking John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential race, swift boaters for truth? They wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. Now they are attacking John Mertha a decorated hero.

Yes, most of these Chicken Hawks' in this administration know how to talk a good war. But you will never see any of them fighting a good war. Vice President Dick (the shooter) Cheney had 5 deferments during Vietnam, Cheney said he had more important things to do than be a patriot for his country. Even the Commander and Chief chose the path of the cowards during the Vietnam War, by getting daddy to get him into the Texas National Guard. I have more respect for draft dodgers who ran to Canada, than I do for spoiled little rich boys who jumped ordinary citizen on the list into the National Guard!

One thing that will always remain the same is the fact that Chicken Hawks will always be CHICKENS. It's pretty easy to send someone else off to war. It takes real Patriot's and hero's to fight some nitwit's war of choice.

When you hear the Chicken Hawks squawking remember true AMERICANS are doing the walking and when you hear them speak of our hero's as cowards just consider the source.

Who are the Chicken Hawks?


Dick Cheney
Karl Rove
Elliott Abrams
Paul Wolfowitz

Richard Perle
John Ashcroft
Dennis Hastert
Bill Bennett

Condoleeza Rice
Katherine Harris

Lynn Cheney
Ann Coulter

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