Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

Newt has had more wives than an old time Mormon Bishop.

Another election cycle comes around and like usual the republicans give us something to laugh about. Their lies and deception fills the air ways. You have the master of all flip floppers Mittens Romney. You have Rick Santorum the freak who made his kids look at a dead fetus. You have the old and I mean old stand by Ron Paul who keeps on trying to get elected president, which will never happen, but at least the guy once in a while say something plausible. Then you have the womanizer and jump in everybody else's bed but your own Newt Gingrich.

Newt chastised the moderator for asking him a question that was given to the media by his ex wife about his desire to have an open marriage; Newt responded that he was appalled that you would start a presidential debate with that question. Newt used words like destructive, vicious and negative in his response to the media.

Newt is just another example of the republican's and their holier than thou attitude and less than moral actions. Newt was the ring leader in charge of the republicans who were impeaching Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal. But at the same time he was having a good time romping with his mistress and treating his wife as if she was dirt, asking for a divorce over the phone and dumping her while she was battling cancer. He made numerous speeches on family values, something that he apparently lacks. Blaming the love of his country as what made him a cheater and immoral ass. He asked for forgiveness now that he is 68 years old and a grandpa. And the far right Christians down south seem to be giving it with no problem. In fact they are cheering him on; where he won in South Carolina.

The problem with these folks is that they just don't get it, that the republicans are no friend of the middle class and poor and the republicans could care less about them and only care for their rich and powerful friends. I guess the folks in the south are a one issue people, putting religion as #1. In other words they would cut their nose off to spite their face, and by voting republican they would rather starve and die from no medical care, than ever consider voting for a democrat. I guess they like low wages and poverty.

During the republican lead impeachment process, Newt was often a powerful and passionate speaker driving the rest of the republicans into a frenzy accepting nothing less than Clintons ruin. Where are those crazed republicans now? There are many far right elected officials in elected seats that could speak out against Newt and his immoral issues. But they will keep their mouth shut and continue to support the womanizing pig and applaud his ignorant and insincere excuses about his unchristian and unacceptable actions.
Newt is nothing but a big mouth bully and blow-hart, he represents the rich, greedy, union busting, self-centered better than everyone else attitude that fits great with the Republican Party and their ideology.

Thankfully the majority of Americas do not agree with the republicans and their message and we will re-elect President Obama.


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