Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

The republicans would consider these protesters as a Growing Mob, As well.

The Republicans call the Wall Street protesters "the growing mob". These same people regarded the "Tea Baggers" patriots and had nothing but praise for the Tea Party and their ilk. The republicans and their talk show hosts such as druggie Rush, Crazy Beck and others have a warped sense of what is patriotism.

The Wall Street protesters are doing nothing more than displaying their right in a democracy to stand up against a group of greedy corporations, out of control Wall Street and crooked politicians. Demanding that the 99% of Americans have a small piece of the pie and the majority rules, instead of the 1%, which is the richest of Americans, make the decisions that control the rest of the population.
These republicans and corporate henchmen have been trying to ruin the middleclass for 30 years and nearly succeeded in bringing the middle class to their knees. The destruction brought on by these selfish and ruthless moneygrubbers has caused the American economy to collapse while they have made record profits.

The special few that has manipulated the stock markets has cause such economic devastation that it will take years to straighten out the kayos. But the greedy bastards are trying to hold on to their power and out maneuver the protesters by reporting negative news, and by having their bought and paid for politicians denounce the legitimacy of the protesters. In my opinion the republicans and the corporations are failing to squelch the voice of the protesters, the American people are fed up with the greed and lies that have sprung out form the Wall Street crowd and from the lips of the Republican Party.

Back in 1776 the American people or a better term patriots, waged a similar battle with King George of England as the rag tag group of protesters formed, many thought they would fail. The people voiced their complainants and their voices fell upon deaf ears, similar today. But time proved these people wrong and the rag tag group of protesters became bigger and stronger as they declared war against the powers and the battle cry was heard around the world. The group of common people held on to their beliefs and fought the best-trained force in the world and won against tyranny.

I believe that the protesters have and will gain more momentum and the people will over come the big money from Wall Street and the Republican Party to bring to America an equal playing field for all Americans. The battle today is not much different than the battle that was fought over 200 years ago but the outcome will be the same for the people of America. We will win against the tyranny from the Republican Party and the Wall Street thugs and the corporate bastard's who has our country oppressed and held hostage.

The demands of the protester are simple, spread the wealth around, tax fairly and bring jobs back to America so every American can achieve the American dream. America is freedom and democracy for all not just for a select few.

Some people may call the protesters a growing mob but I tend to call them true Americans and patriots.


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