When will Americans realize that the Republican's agenda is bad for them and bad for America? People who vote republican are voting against their best interests, so why do people vote republican probably because these voters are usually one issue voters either guns, gays, or god and that is how some people decide how to cast their votes.
The Republicans want to reduce Social Security benefits, starting for people who retire at age 65, at 75 they would receive about $560 less per year and at age 85 they would receive around $1,000.00 less per year. Why do the republicans want to attack social security it is separate from the deficit and has a $2.7 trillion dollar surplus. Social security would be in even better shape if the contribution limit were raised so the rich could pay a bit more.
Medicare is also under attack, the Republicans want to raise the age from 65 to 67 to save billions over the next ten years, how are people going to afford private insurance or afford high premiums if they have had some medical problems. The republicans have once again separated the classes those with huge amounts of money will be able to afford medical care while the middle class and poor will just have o face the truth that they are dispensable and may have to suffer from an illness all because they can not afford the high costs of insurance let alone the cost of the medical care in other words you will be up a creek with out the paddle and most likely you will die simply because you can not afford the costs.
Medicaid is a vulgar term if you are an Republican, Republicans do not understand that it is not a child's fault I their parents are too poor and can not afford medical insurance, so lets make the kids suffer because republicans think more about money lining their pockets than that of another human beings misery, thousands will die from simple lack of basic heath care. I guess the Republicans are reducing carbon footprints literally
Education is another way the Republicans can increase the gap between the classes. Republicans want other Americans to remain uneducated, it is simple, it is easier to manage or control the masses if the majority is kept uneducated. I guess they figure if you cant read you will not be able to understand how the Republicans are screwing the rest of society. They figure that poor people just don't have the brain mass to advance their education so why waste tax dollars on a poor kid or middle class kid? They don't deserve an education like a rich Republican kid. The environment, with out funds we will have to cut the EPA's ability to protect the population from corporations who would rather pollute our environment than dip into their huge amounts of profits to ensure that the proper standards are followed in cutting down the amount of toxins that they release from their industry. The Republicans do not want to go GREEN because most Republicans are either puppets of the oil industry or they are the oil industry. So why would they want to support or encourage green technology that would automatically cut into their profits and that is not about to happen. The bottom line is republicans are greedy, self-serving individuals who care only about themselves and their money and how much money they can accumulate, even if it means the cost of some one else's life or health, or the cost of destroying the planet.
I hope President Obama stands up against these people and puts the good of the country and its people ahead of the greedy corporations that have taken over our government.
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