These are the type of things that he regrets? He did make a telling admission though, when he mentioned Abu-Ghraib as the biggest mistake. I thought the incidents at Abu-Ghraib were attributed to a few low ranking military personnel gone bad! I find it quite interesting that NONE of the Media outlets caught that one. Or did they? Since we all know who runs the majority of the media in this country.
It is so sad that the media, Congress and the American public do not hold any actions by this criminal administration accountable. The Republicans burned President Clinton at the stake for perjury. Yet the very same Republicans have said virtually nothing about a President who has taken it upon himself to be above the laws of this great nation.
As Congress makes the laws that all Americans are bound to follow, this President signs them with his own little disclaimer stating that these laws pertaining to the average American, do NOT pertain to him. Over 700 times this President has added his disclaimer to the very laws we have to follow. I thought the Attorney General was the top law enforcement officer for all Americans? Turns out that he is only beholding to the President and his friends.
This week we find out that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and head of the FBI Robert S. Mueller III are considering resigning if they are required to turn over documents seized from the office of a standing Representative in the House, Congressman William Jefferson (D- La.). Never in the History of this Nation has the FBI Raided a Congressmen's office. Of course that doesn't stop this corrupt administration. All I have to say on this situation is GOODBYE and GOOD RIDENCE Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Mueller!
We also found out this week that the President of The United States of America in another unprecedented move and an outright abrogation of Presidential Powers has given the head of The National Director of Intelligence John (the death squad) Negroponte, the authority to excuse Tele- communications Companies from law suits by Americans who are illegally being spied upon. Another feather in the cap of Corporate America and a further grip on our: New World Order Corporate government.
The Senate has confirmed President Bush's appointment of General Michael Hayden as the new CIA director. Hayden claims that even though as a Military man his boss is Defense Secretary Dumbsfeld. And he will answer only to the President and the Director of National Intelligence RIGHT!
It looks like the terrorists have won! We now have more to fear from our own Government than from them. Their attack on 9-11 has served its intended purpose.
God Help Us All!
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