Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cats. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

See Standard Disclaimer.

We wont stand for republican control.

What is it with these far right winged republicans fighting to make abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest. The 19th amendment was passed to give woman equal rights the same as the rights of men. These rights were fought by mostly progressive women and a few men who felt that women had not only the right to vote and be as independent as they choose but the fact that women had the mental capability to determine their own path in life with out the guidance of a man, or to be treated as an individual person and not as a person who is owned or controlled by their husbands or fathers or brothers.

The far right touts that they want smaller government. If that is the case then why does the far right want to pass laws that would infringe on women's rights, right down to the point that they are in a women's bedroom and more bluntly in a women's uterus. Where does the far right come to the conclusion that they have the right to butt their noses into other people's private lives? These are the same people who claim to be holier than thou but have often been the headline news of their perverted and scandalous activities. Often these people are the ones with mistress and bastard children that they try to hide or used the term they had a youthful indiscretion at age 50.

The far right republican push is to make abortions illegal even with rape or incest. They want to amend the US Constitution to make abortion illegal with no exceptions. Then they want to make a law allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions based on moral or religious objections, denying patients medicine for birth control, emergency contraception, HIV medications, anti-depressants for post-partum-depression.

Their next idea is to go against the voluntary check-off on income tax forms for cervical and breast cancer research. What the hell is wrong with these people? What difference is it to them what a person donates to. Total control is the only word these far right wackos know.

The far right is against requiring insurance companies to pay for prescription contraceptive drugs, even when these same companies cover male enhancement drugs. I guess these idiots believe that men need to have sex but to hell with the funding to stop unwanted pregnancies before they happen, what a twisted bunch of righteous assholes.

Republicans want to stop Family Medical Leave and equal pay for equal work for women.That's right keepum barefoot and pregnant and too poor to leave. That way the far right men can keep full control on their women and all women.

Republicans want limited government, but is intruding into our private lives limited government? Controlling another persons body or dictating what you can or cannot do with your body limited or smaller government I don't believe so.

The far right wants to take women's rights back hundreds of years, back to the time that women were regarded as nothing more than a piece of property or the value of an ass.

Well I can attest to the information that I have read from time to time that the far right mentality is simply that of a piss ant. As a society we need to be diligent in exposing these radical intrusive ideas to the rest of the population, we need to expose at every chance these far righters as the medieval thinkers they are.


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