If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier... just so long as I'm the dictator." -- George W. Bush December 18, 2000
With Bush in a freefall for the bottom of the heap! In danger of becoming the worst president ever in American history and with the GOP openly defying him on most issues, I think we can now officially say that he is indeed a LAME DUCK President. I must say it is just in the nick of time. With Bush's appointment of General Hayden to head the CIA, something is starting to smell rotten in Denmark! I believe General Hayden was also in charge of the NSA's illegal domestic spying program. It should make any red blooded American wonder what's going on with the Reich Wing cabal in the White House! With all the cherry picking, manipulation and out right lying by this administration, when it came to the so-called intelligence to go to war Iraq, is it any wonder why Bush would pick someone who would give this administration the unintelligence it needs to attack Iran? Guess who is General Hayden's boss? Yes… none other than Donald (the chicken hawk) Dumbsfeld. The very person who said just a few short days ago that he is not in the intelligence business! HELLO! The military is the largest intelligence-gathering agency in the WORLD! Thank God for the midterm elections. I can't wait until the Democrats take back the house and hopefully the Senate this fall. When the Democrats do, you can bet there will be big time changes in the way business is done in Washington. The Congress will reclaim its duties to be the check and balance for a run away executive branch. They will have investigations on Treasonous acts like leaks of National Security information whether by a President or one of his aids! Bush's Energy policy or lack there of, will come to an end, with investigations of the big oil companies price gouging from the wells to the pumps, the Artic National Wildlife Refuge will not be raped and pillaged. Hopefully a more environmental friendly, cost effective, renewable energy plans will evolve, making the United States independent on foreign fossil fuels. Through hard work and a reasonable budget the Democrats will again bring down the deficit from the tax and spend Republicans George H. Bush and G.W. Bush. Our country will become debt free and have a substantial surplus, as we were able to do in the Clinton years. The dark cloud that has lingered over this country since Bush's appointment to the presidency is starting to dissipate, the American people are finally waking up. Bush has plummeted in the polls to a record low of 31% they have finally realized what George Bush and his policies have done to them and this great country. Tammy
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