Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson,Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat.
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Health care for all.

Tea Party members, and Sarah Palin followers are nothing more than hate mongers, individuals that are selfish and ignorant. Throwing a measly dollar bill at a man with Parkinson disease telling him that he does not belong at their end of town at a political event. Spitting on African Americans who voted for the bill, making rude and crude remarks to a congressman because he is gay. What the hell is wrong with people in the Tea Party movement, are they so insane and cruel that they actually believe that it is ok to treat another person that way.

These people do not want every one in America to have health care they believe that health care is only for a select group and people that are on the low-income bracket don't deserve a basic fundamental such as health care. I have no problem with heated debates on any issue; everyone knows that I have been a willingly participant in many myself that is what democracy is at times, heated debates and opinions. BUT when you attack a handicapped person or ill person personally or a person who is gay, off the issue then that is where the line should be drawn. If you have been taught any tad bit of manners by your folks which apparently these right wing wack O' have not, these types of actions would not be done or tolerated with in the tea party itself. And they proclaim they are Christian's if this is how Christian's act than I am proud to be an atheists.

They don't believe in abortion, which I believe is a women's right to choose, brings a side of their ignorant thinking for a person to ponder, if a fetus is born with an affliction that needs tremendous medical care and the parents can not afford to treat the child, that is after they declare bankruptcy and lose everything what should society do? Allow the child to go untreated and then die? They want no abortions but then do not want to help pay for the child if help is needed. These people are hypocrites and have no moral values or feelings for other people. But I can bet you that if the same horrible event took place in their crummy lives they would want to be treated fair and would want their little darlings given the appropriate medical attention that they believe they deserve. These people are just plain ass holes.

Sarah Palin is trying to incite those on the fringe to possibly taking a shot of the members of Congress, who voted for the health Care reform bill by posting their names with targets on them. Her grass root followers must be smoken some grass to blindly follow Ms. Palin, a person who is nothing more than an opportunist and see's this issue as a way of making money off followers who are slightly mentally impaired.

This health care bill may not be the perfect bill but it is a beginning for a better health care system for people in this country, there is no reason that America does not have Medicare for all. Every person in America deserves health care no matter what race or income bracket they fall in. The only reason the republicans do not want health care is because they are affiliated with the insurance companies who are the scourge of the earth, money grubbing greedy corporations who would rather deny a simple operation and let a person die than make one less dollar in profit. But then the Republican Party claims to be the party of compassion ya right; more like the party of hate and misery.
The republicans have promoted hate, lies and have deceived the American people on this health care issue spreading propaganda all across America confusing people who do not read bills and research issues. When this bill starts working those Americans who have been against this bill because of the republican lies will most likely have a change of opinion and be glad that the democrats stood their ground and worked so hard and passed the bill.


On a personal note, my dad who is 86 and a WWII vet (volunteered at 18) serving his country against the Japs in the South Pacific has been very ill since the first of Jan. he has been in and out of the hospital. His first bill for his hospital stay was close to $90,000.00 with out insurance we would have been up a creek with out a paddle. (Haven't received the other three stays yet) Our cost for the first bill was about $800.00 including the ambulance ride. So yes we all need insurance and we all deserve decent health care at a reasonable cost.

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