If Commissioner Tony Hyde spent, as much time contacting potential business's to settle in Columbia County as he has on his pet project the Linear Trail this county might be better off. Columbia County has a good number of parks that are not being maintained very well or not at all, so why would Hyde want to bring yet another park in that will need maintained by the good citizens of Columbia County? His answer is that the thousands of people that may use the trail will bring $$$$$ in to the community. I seriously doubt that, look how much the concerts were suppose to bring in to the county, what they have brought in, is a lot of head aches. Who will walk the trail and pick up trash? Who will maintain the trail? Who will pay ALL expenses putting in culverts, who will pay for necessary safety problems at the crossing of HWY 30 at Scappoose as the trail will also include Chapman Landing. (The Port of St. Helens gave Chapman Landing to the County to add to the Linear trail.) Several years ago there was a ballot a measure that would have increased the depletion fee on aggregate, a portion of the monies collected would have went to help maintain parks. There was not ONE County Commissioner that supported the ballot measure, Tony Hyde keeps saying that we do not have money in the budget for parks, but we have money for his park. PGE wanted to GIVE Columbia County Trojan Park but Commissioner Hyde refused the generous offer on the pretense that we could not afford to maintain the facility. He would of taken the property if PGE agreed to maintain the facility. What a dumb decision! Asbury Acres has been trying to be developed for about 18 years why hasn't it? The answer is simple there is NO MONEY for Asbury Acres. There have been several comments from County Commissioners, for example, if Asbury's wanted a park than they should of provided not only the land but also the money to develop it. County don't want much do they? The answer from the county is that we have gotten grants for the development of the Linear trail. I ask if the county can write grants for one park than they certainly can write grants for other parks. I would hope that Asbury Acres would get developed soon. I understand that at onetime all the different youth sport organizations had agreed to build and maintain the soccer, baseball fields, etc. I hope that these people can come together again and get Asbury acres built. Since politics have dominated the progress of Asbury Acres I would hope that persons associated with this project would put their differences aside and forge ahead with developing the property as for which it was donated. I believe that the kids of the community could care less about politics all they want to do is play on the fields. Lets work together and make the Asbury's dream come true. We need three county commissioners to step up to the plate and do what is right. Lets Play Ball!!!!
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