Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra

Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson,Debi Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat.
This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she won't take crap off of anyone.

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                                                                            Good doggy,

I am amazed at the vision that the city of St Helens has demonstrated for modernizing our special little town. A few years ago the city bought a special piece of modern art for one of their parks. The artwork was made out of paper and disintegrated with the Northwest's cool and plentiful rains. The paper artwork cost several thousand dollars and the city's canine population was grateful for a new and exciting place to relieve themselves.

Since the city leaders are such connoisseur's of fine art work, they have once again shown what an eye they have for modern and tasteful works of art. Their ability to distinguish works of art from plain ole crap is something that an individual has or something they don't have and it is obvious that this group of city leaders lack the ability to separate crap from art.

Take a look at their latest endeavor, the unsightly object (concrete volcano) is located in a small area between Columbia Blvd. and St. Helens street where the two streets form from a two way to the one way heading out of the down town area.

Rumor around town says that the concrete volcano was commissioned to entice people to head on down town to the local shops, to rejuvenate old town. I don't think the mayor of St. Helens thought out his idea very clearly. I think the volcano is ugly, unsightly, a waste of taxpayer dollars, and will definitely go down in local history as an eye soar that will become the butt of many jokes. Besides rubbing the taxpayers the wrong way in these hard economic times the volcano will most likely be a new place for the local mutts to make their
daily deposits.

What is really odd about this issue is that no one seems to know how the volcano came into existence. We do know that the Parks Commission had nothing to do with it, nor did they know anything about the volcano
. But what we do know is that the hideous thing cost $15,000.00, and rumor has it that the USDA paid for it or part of it. Which by all accounts are the taxpayers. No wonder the country is in an economic crisis wasting money on crap like the St Helens volcano. Funny how things just happen to turn up and no ones knows why.

Was this dim-witted idea the brainchild of the city manager Chad Olsen or was it the stupid creation of Mayor Randy Peterson? Who ever's idea it was should be published in all the local media so the public can be aware to whom they should hold responsible for wasting taxpayer money.

If the city wanted a piece of art or sculpture why didn't they look around and find something that looked nice instead of something that your 3rd grader makes for their science project. Maybe the school kids can have an annual science class at the volcano, they can dump a bunch of baking soda in it, and then dump a little vinegar on top and they can create their own volcanic eruption.

Way to go Mayor Peterson as Mr. Magoo would say; Mayor Peterson You've done it Again.


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