Congressman Joe Wilson racist from South Carolina
While the House of Representatives speak and debate the issue of the Republican from South Carolina, Raciest Congressman Joe Wilson's rude out burst calling the president a liar when President Obama addressed congress discussing health care reform. The Congressman was told to apologized by the leaders of the republican party, which he did, although his apology was not sincere, for his out burst and politically motivated plan his action did exactly what the republican's intended it to do, take away media coverage on the presidents health care reform plan. And to stimulate the nut jobs in the Republican Party to come out from under their rocks to protest. Furthermore if congressman Wilson was indeed sorry for his out burst as he claims to be, then why did he go on the stump the next day to keep his ignorant message going to the people in the south that believe these prejudice principles. These people are left -over from the Civil War mind set, they have not ever came to the reality to the fact that the South Lost! And all people are equal, and that a man of Black heritage was fairly and duly elected as OUR president of the United States.
I think this country should not waste the time discussing the Congressman's apparent ill mannered and neglected upbringing. We don't have time to be the civility police. If the Republican Party and its leaders want to stop health care reform then I suggest that they immediately start the process going by giving up their federally funded health care.
It is time that the democrats stand up and tell America and the republicans that this is our health care plan either get on board or the train will run you over, as far as President Obama wanting to include the obstructionists party they had their chance and have failed miserably. We do not need any ideas from the Republican Party it is time to draw the line in the sand and get on with the business of the people a Health Care Plan that will include everyone at a reasonable cost.
I hope President Obama and the majority of the democratic party sticks to their guns and demands Public Option, the democrats that do not want public option are democrats that have sold out to insurance companies, democrats that are no better than the lowest republican that has taken hundreds of thousands in campaign money from the insurance companies.
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