Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she wont' take crap off of anyone. See Standard Disclaimer.
New Mascot of the Republican Party
The Republican Party is so bitter since they lost the presidential election in 2008 that they have sank to a record low to defeat the health care plan. Leading senators of the party have been spreading such misleading statements about the health care plan that they are nothing but bold face liars. The Republican Party has perfected their ability to be so convincing when lying that they have brain washed many in America to believe their deceit. This political party has become an occult with leaders that mirror, Hitler, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Such statements like republican Iowa senator Grassley made, "You have every right to fear.... a government run plan to decide when to pull the plug on Grandma."
No where in the plan does it say that any one is going to pull the plug on grandma, the plan does offer counseling for families on end of life care, option s that the family needs to know when the time comes for a loved one. There is nothing sinister about helping a family cope with all that goes along with dealing with a loved ones end of life, there is a lot of information family members must try and understand, and during that time it is hard to grasp all the information when people are distraught.
Sarah Palin's "death panel" statement is one more example of republican lies from an individual who could benefit from mental illness benefits offered by the plan, there is no Death panels in the bill, for these republicans to spew these lies only proves that the republican party can not be trusted and would resort to insane comments to try and advance their financial opportunity at the cost of medical care for their fellow Americans. People who are against the Plan do not want government run medicine , but many of these people are older people who are receiving Medicare and often Mediciade and which receives Social Security, all of which are government run plans. Maybe these folks need to send back their SS and stop receiving government run social programs if they are so bad.
The republican party has finally came unhinged completely. Between Tea baggers, Birthers, Deathers, racists and a total bunch of A-holes, these far right nut jobs are the Republican party. It is a sorry state that people are actually believing the republicans lies. Lies that are told to manipulate people in to being fearful of a health plan that would actually serve them better, at a fraction of the cost, and be available to them no matter what their financial status is, no matter what color their skin is or what their gender preference might be. How could anyone be against this plan is beyond logic.
Everyone in America should have health care it is a right not a privilege. When some of our senators receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from insurance companies I too would try and stop this health plan, I guess I would not want my sugar daddy of campaign funds to dry up either. If the plan goes through with public option the insurance companies will not be able to financially ruin the majority of sick and low income people of this nation. They will have to be more competitive with other insurance carriers and every American will benefit with lower insurance costs and better coverage.
It is a shame that as Americans we are 36th in health care and 1st in cost. There is no reason what so ever that one single person in America can not have affordable healthcare, in fact it is shameful and as Americans we should be ashamed that we have allowed corporate America to take over our health system and we should try our hardest to make sure everyone has medical care. The far right republicans spout their religion I would ask them who would God allow to have health care and who would he deny care to? TAMMY If you want to debunk the myths about health care PLEASE go to……. pleasecutthecrap.com
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