Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she wont' take crap off of anyone. See Standard Disclaimer.
Oregon's Senator Ron Wyden, proposes to tax working families health benefits as income. Wyden is where he is at today, because of middle-class working people, why has he turned against labor?
Ron Wyden's health care proposal would be funded in part by taxing health benefits that many working families have. Labor achieved these benefits through many years of hard work and their unions. Working people struck, stood picket lines and survived months and sometimes years of labor negotiations with their employer or contractors to have good health care. These benefits would be taxed as wages if Ron Wyden has his way.
How much more in taxes must working families pay, how much more in labor concessions must working families give up to have fair and decent health coverage? While I agree that ALL Americans should have health care. I do not agree with Wyden's plan for his proposal to be paid for by taxing the working people of this country's benefit packages as income. Why don't Senator Wyden stand up to the corporations in America that are paying zero or $10.00 per year in taxes? Why not have these corporations pay a good share of the cost to provide health care in this country? After all these corporations are receiving free taxes, huge tax breaks, no taxes for decades, and many other freebees, while the cost of them doing business in America is more often than not charged to every citizen in this country.
The problem with Wyden and many other politicians in Washington, is that they have forgotten who they are representing, where their loyalty should lie They all have been wined and dined contributed to from lobbyists that represent corporate America, and many have received hundred of thousands of dollars from the pharmaceutical companies that are raping the American people with outrageous prices of prescription drugs and other medical related needs.
Why was single payer representatives omitted from the Senate Finance committee hearings? Was it because Senator Bacus who is the head of the committee, a democrat from Montana, received more money than anyone in Congress from health insurance companies. I guess it is a good idea to have your crook in command or better yet the head of the finance committee.
I will not support Ron Wyden when he comes up for re-election, unless he brings single payer to the table and starts taxing corporate America and leaves the middleclass alone. I am tired of fat greedy wall-Street pigs running America; I am tired of corporate welfare. I am also tired of lobbyists running Washington DC and picking my pocket.
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