Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, his pastor, Tammy's neighbors, Earl Fisher, Betsy Johnson, Joe Corsiglia, Rita Bernhard, her grand kids, Tony Hyde, Pat Robertson, Corsiglia's dog, or Claudia Eagle's Cat. This Tammy's Take (with the exception of this disclaimer) is not paid for or written by, or reviewed by anyone but Tammy and she wont' take crap off of anyone. See Standard Disclaimer.
Stem cell research holds enormous possibility For treating a broad spectrum of diseases.
President Obama's decision to reverse Bush's stem cell policy by undoing his 2001 directive that banned federal funding for research into stem lines, has given new hope for people afflicted with diabetes, Parkinson, Alzheimer's, and other serious inflictions resulting from spinal cord injuries. The ideals of the Bush administration and his cronies have left those citizens with serious medical problems no hope. With President Obama's decision to over turn the ignorance of the Bush administration there is hope, for those people suffering with these horrible medical problems. President Obama's upfront, open and non-political use of stem cell research is the complete opposite of the Bush agenda. I happen to agree 100% with President Obama on promoting stem cell research. Even if the results are years away, it will evidently ease the pain and suffering for millions of people worldwide. Science is the only way that people can over come medical problems, and as a society we must do everything possible to treat or reverse disease or injuries, so these people can lead a normal life, a life that they can live to the fullest and enjoy such as other people who do not suffer from these inflictions. Some people believe that prayer is the answer to medical problems or that "God" has a different road for those inflicted to go down. I call to question on their religious beliefs regarding other people who want too have the chance for a cure. Who am I? That I have the right to consent to the suffering of another human? Who am I? To deny another human the chance of a normal productive life? If you want too be helped, and it takes stem cell research to provide the necessary medical treatment than so be it. I am all for science and the possibilities that science can offer. For those righteous people who would condemn others to a life of bodily imprisonment, I say if you are afflicted with horrible problems and there is help out there and you do not wish to take it than that is an individual right as well. But do not refuse or hinder the possibility of a break through that some one else may want. You do not have the right to stop science and its marvelous possibilities because of your narrow mindedness or religious opinions. Science is about facts not about ideology. People who are against stem cell research remind me of the people of the "Dark Ages" and other people not so long ago that lived in the United States that burned people at the stake because of religion. Religion is a free belief that is strictly optional and people can make out of it what ever they choose, and many times religion is absolutely wrong and has caused horrendous suffering and death to innocents. Religion holds no account to the advancement of science, in fact has hindered science from the beginning, science has discredited many religious beliefs and dealings. Science on the other hand is purely facts that are discovered, studied, tested and developed for the betterment of mankind. How mankind makes use of these remarkable discoveries is strictly on his sense of right and wrong. But not to try and discover new possibilities or use the discoveries because some are afraid that the discoveries may be used wrongly or it does not go hand in hand to religious beliefs, does not justify or win the argument on the anti-stem cell research issue.
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