The famous words of "you can't put lipstick on a pig" has caused Democratic Presidential candidate Barrack Obama some trouble with the media and some people on the campaign trail. I would have to say the people, who have concluded that Obama was referring to Governor Sarah Palin Republican nominee for Vice president on the Mc Shame Mc Crazy ticket, have just gotten it wrong. Palin herself has compared herself to a Pit Bull with lipstick. There is a huge difference between a pit bull and a pig. Pigs are in the Artiodactyla order (the same as deer, camels, peccaries, goats...), in the Suidae family.
As you can see, they're not in the same family. Not even in the same order. The lowest taxonomical classification they share is the Eutheria Infraclass. Where as, a Pit Bull belongs to the regular old dog family of canines.
Now to the second thought, all farmers know that a female pig is called a "sow", and all dog breeders know that all female dogs are called "bitches" since Sarah Palin has referred to herself as a bulldog and she is of female persuasion that leaves only one name for her and that would be, "you guessed it, "a Bitch".
Sarah Palin's views on women rights has nothing to do with women's rights, her views are those of the far right male and Far right Christian's. Far right males believe that they own a woman's body and soul, that women should be subservient to all males. That a woman must ask permission, to make all decisions relating to every aspect of their lives. They believe that a woman should be seen and not heard, and far right males do not allow a woman to have or voice her opinion on issues unless of course it is actually his opinion.
Palin believes abortion is never a choice for a woman, rape, and incest, does not matter, even if the victim is 12 years old. Even In cases where the life of the mother is at stake these people do not budge. The Sarah Palins of the world are a closed minded group that never takes into to consideration what other people may want, need, or have to overcome, or experience in their lives. We all have the right to make decisions that affect our lives whether we are male or female.
Palin tries to tell the voters that she is against earmarks, running on pork barrel reform, but received 27 million dollars in earmarks for Alaska from the years 2003-2006
While Palin talks the talk of the Republican Party and believes that the Iraqi war is Gods will, and she is a good American, then I ask you why does she and her husband want Alaska to secede from the union? Now that sounds to me, as if she and her husband are enemies of America, that they are "Home grown terrorists" maybe that is why Mc Crazy has her on his ticket, and why she is such a good republican, because most republicans and especially those affiliated with the Bush Crime Family, have terrorized the American people for nearly 8 years. Taking away our civil liberties, shredding the constitution, bankrupting America for the next several generations. Sending our men and women to a war that was started on lies. Lies from a president who would rather make billions in war profiteering for him and his all ready filthy rich friends, than be at peace with the world.
His Lies and actions has been the direct result in the deaths of over 4,100 American lives and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqi people.
320,000 vets have brain injuries
Mc Cain voted NO on bills to support the veterans; this Republican Party is so shameful in their attitude toward returning vets. This Republican Party has no problem sending Americans off to war, but has a problem in helping them (the lucky ones) when they return home. The disgrace of our Veteran Hospitals, that has been reported on in the last few years, should be a top priority to all of us, and we the American people should not forget how Mc Cain turned his back on his fellow servicemen and woman.
We need the middle class reinstated, we need union jobs, we need outsourced jobs brought back into this country, we need corporate America to pay for their share of taxes, we need America to be respected through out the world, we need our constitution brought back to its original glory, we need our civil liberties, we need habeas corpus, we need our privacy upheld, we need the spying on Americans to stop, we need medical for everyone. We need renewal energy, we need federal judges that are with out prejudices, we need an attorney general that will uphold the constitution and not the whims of nazi fascists, we need to be rid of all policies from th Bush administration.
We Need America back!
We need a change in this country; we need the John Mc Cain's and Sarah Palin's of this country to crawl back under the rock from which they came.
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