May some day power your lights?
The world's oceans may be the answer to some of our energy problems, marine bacteria DNA contains 'proteorhodopsin', a light capturing pigment which is similar to the pigment in the human retina, which enables us to see colors. Researchers from Spain and Sweden have found it would be possible for marine bacteria to capture solar light to generate energy with this pigment. "Bacteria in the surface water of the world's oceans spend their life swimming in a sea of light," earth's constant evolution has favored microorganisms that can use this rich source of energy. This type of bacteria may also play a role in commercial and environmental perspectives, for the development of artificial photosynthesis for the environmentally friendly production of energy, a new energy source that the world could benefit from. And reduce dependency on fossil fuels, lessen our carbon footprint and slow or halt global warming. Twenty different types of marine bacteria from various ocean sites were studied, and several proved to contain proteorhodopsin. The method could very well be used efficiently; taking into consideration that approximately a billion bacteria can be found in one bucket of seawater. It was long thought that algae were the only organisms in the seas that could use sunlight to grow," These microscopic algae carry out the same process as green plants on land, namely, photosynthesis with the help of chlorophyll."
With the recent awareness of global warming and a need to curtail humans impact on the planet scientists and others are continuing to explore more and more possibilities and to develop and expand on nature's bounties to improve the general health of planet earth and to continue to allow humans to live in the general life style that they have developed over the years.
Although this new discovery may not prove to solve our whole energy problem, it may well prove to be substantial in satisfying part of our energy demands. There is no silver bullet that will solve all our energy needs or problems; it will take several different possibilities combined together to over come our energy difficulties. We do not have time to pass this problem off to the next generation, if we, the world does not act now, work hard and dedicate time and money to correct what we have done and are doing, our own survival and the earths existence will be in total jeopardy.
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