Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, George Bush's family or the St. Helens Update See Standard Disclaimer.

It riles them to believe
That you've deceived the web they weaved.
Keep on thinking Free!

Politics in Columbia County has always been regarded as dirty, or as some fondly refer to as "the Good Ole Boys" well this year the "Good Ole Boys" have reached a new stage in intimidation, and dirty politics. The list grows longer each day the campaign gets closer to the primary, the wrath of the rich and powerful, who's attempts to cut throat Corsiglia's campaign at every turn, attacked Corsiglia's free radio time, which was offered by local KOHI radio owner and host Marty Rowe, to both commissioner candidates CORSIGLIA and Fisher. Fisher was given the exact amount of time as was offered to Corsiglia. The Fisher camp took advantage of Rowe's offer and Fisher appeared on the usual Friday talk show, participation by the audience was very limited, in fact, the participation was so terrible that only a few calls came in, questioning Fisher, proving that Fisher has very little support in the county, by the local radio audience, which has proven to be fairly large historically in the past. Corsiglia appeared on the show again last Friday and the phone lines were lit up with nonstop questions, and the tone of the calls seemed to be favorable for Corsiglia.
Noted: Corsiglia paid for his radio spot.

This brings to light how desperate the Fisher campaign really is, after Corsiglia had his first equal free time on the radio, Fishers campaign manager Kathryn Pfeiffer called into KOHI and complained that Corsiglia had been given equal (free) radio time, Marty Rowe explained to her that he only felt it fair that he give each candidate equal time, after that call ended, Rowe received a call from State Senator Betsy Johnson, who also complained to Rowe.

Kathryn Pfeiffer is a high dollar, high profile and powerful election consultant who is known for her dirty tactics, and has openly vowed to destroy Corsiglia. Pfeiffer's wages are being financed by no other than State Senator Betsy Johnson. Johnson's obvious and well-known hate for Corsiglia has been going on for years. Corsiglia's refusal to be one of Betsy's boys has fueled the hate and contempt that the senator feels for Corsiglia. Betsy and her "special people" group has tried for years to get rid of Corsiglia, and with Betsy's own recent troubles (guilt) with the ethics commission, and the on going F.B.I. investigation, it appears that Betsy has decided to turn up the heat on Corsiglia, possibly before her career is over.

It is circulating among the political circles that the Fisher campaign will go public with fabricated information against Corsiglia right before the election. The information will not be true but will cause questions about Corsiglia and leaked in a time frame that will not allow the Corsiglia camp ample time to defuse the fabrications before the primary election. The tide of dirty politics have came full force from the Fisher camp.

Corsiglia has always run on his achievements and has never invoked dirty campaign rhetoric and I believe that Corsiglia will not fall into the same fecle smearing that the Fisher camp has lowered their selves to and decided to use in hopes of winning this election. I use to respect Fisher not for his political aspirations or the way he perceives the public and their right to participate in their government, nor his poor decisions while sitting on the St. Helens Port Commission, or when he tried to have me arrested twice, but as a fellow human being.

Unfortunately my respect for Earl has dimmed and the light is now flickering. Earl's insatiable desire to become county commissioner at any cost has cost Earl something more valuable than his quest for commissioner. It is costing Earl his self-respect, and the respect of many citizens of Columbia County.

Corsiglia has an abundance of, integrity, self respect and the respect of his fellow citizens, that is why Joe makes a excellent commissioner, that is why Joe can continue to be a commissioner of the people, a commissioner who supports freedom of speech, wants people involved in their government. And runs a clean campaign.

My question to all of you is: do you want a commissioner who runs on idea's and is open, honest and supports citizen involvement in the workings of their government? Works for the workingmen and women puts you above corporations, if you do, than Corsiglia is your man. On the other hand if you want a commissioner who resorts on slinging mud, puts corporate interests ahead of you and your family, squanders our tax dollars? If secrecy and closed government and half-truths is your desire than fall prey to the fabricated rhetoric of the Fisher /Johnson camp. Only you can make the decision this May.

If you have read my takes you will conclude which way my vote will be cast this May.


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