Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, George Bush's family or the St. Helens Update See Standard Disclaimer.

Water Boarding Senators?

While the people of the United States of America allows the breakdown of our constitution, allows unlawful imprisonment, adheres to torturous acts against the citizens of this country and foreign prisoners, some accused of being terrorists while others were just plain unlucky and were in the wrong place at the wrong time because of an unjust war. The rest of us should be thankful that we have not been detained against our will by our most righteous government. Although I am beginning to believe that maybe we citizens should take advantage of the corruption while we have the opportunity. We have at our disposal ways to make corrupt, and crooked politicians tow the mark. Even here in sleepy Columbia County we have major problems concerning our elected officials. Since our good state senator
Betsy Johnson has come under fire for corrupt/questionable land deals, and the more recent incident of being investigated deeply by the F.B.I. for God only knows what. I would consider using the now legal application of "Water Boarding" to get the needed information from the senator, information that she is definitely not forth coming with, information that could have affected the general public more than what an ordinary citizen could comprehend. A confession from the senator and her business partners and abiding politicians would save the taxpayers a considerable amount of tax dollars, and would free up the F.B. I. to investigate other corrupt politicians across the country. Corruption is something that the good ole U.S.A. seems to have in abundance.
Since Water Boarding is considered safe by professional interrogators and by the justice department I do not see any problems with using this tool to achieve the final goal. Although a few may consider water boarding to be a bit painful and or life threatening to the individual under question. I believe that the results out weigh the risks and the action should be carried out. Maybe if the senator was offered the option, either answer the questions or be water boarded, we would have a swift and easy end to this on going saga.
Betsy Johnson's life long dream of becoming Oregon's governor is coming to a screaming halt, being charged repeatedly with possible illegal and shady dealings and having the charges become public, has seriously damaged the senator's reputation. If Betsy's reputation can recover from this apparent barrage of serious wrong doings than she will surprise everyone including herself. The million-dollar question is, will the public forgive the senator? Or will the public soon forget her apparent misdeeds? Maybe it wont be to late for the senator from Columbia County to be called the "Come back Kid"? Or will it?


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