The Republican Party A party Full Of Asses!
The dysfunctional individual that we have for president, has once again proved, that he is an idiot. His $3.1 TRILLION spending plan, includes substantial increases in national security, but compels the rest of government departments to squeeze the nickel hard enough to make the buffalo bellow. It asks for $196 billion in savings over five years in the government's giant health care programs - Medicare and Medicaid. Bush is also offering a $145 billion stimulus plan for the recession that the UNITED States is now in, this plan will add to the deficit. Even with Bush's cuts in the Medicare/ Medicaid programs he will have a deficit that will soar to near-record levels of $410 billion this year and $407 billion in 2009. Bush claims that his plan is a good solid budget and with his plan the country will be able to balance the budget 3 years after he leaves office. I call bullshit on Bush and his lies. When King George took office, he had at his disposal a 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion, when he leaves he will leave this country in a debt so huge that our great- great grandchildren will still be paying off Bush's evil legacy. His loyalty to huge corporations, ensuring them huge tax cuts has added to our national debt. Bush has borrowed against Americas Independence, owing trillions to countries like CHINA and Japan, his excuse is funding the Iraq war, protecting America from Evil doer's, the only thing America needs protecting from is King George and the republican party. The attack and degradation of the Constitution of this country is solely the fault of the republicans. The loss of our freedoms is the fault of King George and his minions. The reason that this country is in an economic crisis is the fault of King George and his greedy friends the oil companies, who have done nothing but rake in billions of dollars at the expense of the American taxpayers/consumer. But most of all American service personnel and the innocent Iraqi citizens. Bush touts that his ideas is enabling America to continue to prosper, I don't understand which America is he referring to? The America for the filthy stinking rich which I agree are prospering or the common average American who are working for less, longer hours, no health care. While Bush encourages American companies to move overseas to increase their profits while American workers are losing their jobs, great idea Mr. President you are nothing but a fool with foolish ideas. You are a shameful black mark on this nations history. One of Bush's cuts is for mental health services, I wonder why Bush would cut a program that he himself desperately needs. All I can offer is that there is hope for a brighter future for this country. There is a rumble in this country that a change is a coming, When Americans cast their votes for a democrat to step into the White House and correct all the wrongs that the King has bested upon the good people of America.
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