Local politics, the county, and the world, as viewed by Tammy Maygra
Tammy's views are her own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Bill Eagle, George Bush's family or the St. Helens Update See Standard Disclaimer.

What don't you get about being green

With the new year I hope that new ideas to promote green industry comes to Columbia County, instead of our commissioners sitting on their back sides bending to corporate whims, implementing new taxes on the working man. Giving dirty industry our precious tax dollars while we the taxpayer wait years for any tax collection to add to our coffers. Supporting industries, which choose to use NON UNION labor, out of town labor and often illegal workers WHILE SUCKING UP EVERY free INCINITIVE THAT IS OFFERED, ALL THE WHILE PAYING zero IN PROPERTY TAXES, WHILE OUR SCHOOLS FAIL AND our life style declines to the same poor standards as third world countries. And we are still taxed more for the next "project"
Columbia County should be investigating into companies that are "green" for example, solar heating, in China 150,000 people were employed in solar heating, a sector with sales revenues in 2005 of $2.5 billion. Why not have Americans makes products for solar heating? Installing energy-efficient lighting could save 1.5 billion barrels of oil a year, or the annual output of 530 medium-sized power stations. Why cant GE or other light bulb manufactures start making energy efficient light bulbs here in the good ole USA? Or in Columbia County? These companies need to site somewhere, why not reach out and see what companies are expanding and looking for new sites, maybe smaller environmental friendly companies instead of the usual huge corporations.
With the materials available there is no reason that the USA does not start re-vamping the industrial sections of our country with energy saving technology, this would create millions of jobs for many years and lessen our dependency on fossil fuels, it would be a win, win situation for everybody, including corporate America who would save millions on energy costs inn the long term, well above the cost of re-tooling their industry.
With the lead scare in toys from China why not demand that America companies start making our children's toys in America! This country needs to bring back the tariff on imported goods into this country. It is time that Americans get off their duffs and start demanding that the elected officials start looking out for the common men and woman of this country instead of looking out for the interests of their friends in the corporate world. Again if enough people sent the toy manufactures written and verbal messages that they would not buy toys from China the company would have to rethink their position and bring back the company to the USA to manufacture toys. They would have to use American labor a win for the workingman, a win for our kids, and a win for the environment. And who knows with a commissioner with enough hustle maybe just maybe the company could be persuaded to locate in Columbia County.
America has the technology to out perform any country in the world, ask yourself why, as Americans are we allowing the demise of our economy and our country, the blame starts at the White House and other elected leaders but the blame also lies with each and every one of us. The questions that you need to ask yourself are you satisfied with the way things are here in America? Do you want better wages, health care, a home that you can call your own, good schools, a clean environment, a stop to global warming, fairer tax system where the corporations pay their fair share of taxes. These are issues that each and every one of us think about talk about among our friends, why not speak out publicity about these issues, one voice alone does little but voices combined can change the world. If you truly want things to change for the better than you must step up to the plate get involved in local, state, national issues, together we can make a difference.

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