There's a fight brewing on the Senate floor. Dictator Bush wants Congress to give immunity to the phone companies that helped the administration spy on innocent Americans. An investigation into the illegal wiretapping could expose how far Bush and the telecoms went in breaking the law. Dictator Bush keeps insisting that his illegal spying program was narrow and only targeted at suspected terrorists. But AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein, who has firsthand knowledge of the program says the program was a massive invasion of Americans' privacy and AT&T is covering up the truth: AT&T want to portray their activities like the president does, that it's a few international phone calls. And that's not true. It affects millions of people nationwide." That's why the Bush Administration and the telecom companies are urgently seeking immunity to mask their crimes. AT&T has even hired a consulting company headed by John Ashcroft, Bush's former Attorney General, to lobby for immunity. Bush uses the excuse of 911, and that the US must track possible dirty numbers, in my opinion the only dirty numbers reside in the White House and from the rest of the Bush administration, this is the most corrupt administration in our history. The National Security Agency questions Bush's orders, which may cross legal lines and legal searches. It is also known that N.S.A. only does foreign searches. That is until Dictator George Bush changed the playing field and now has directed even more authorized spying on Americans by ordering spy agencies to begin buying as much imagery as possible from private companies. All being directed to watch Americans, the excuse again being used by Bush is in case the American is a terrorist. Or is a suspected terrorist. We must protect the "Homeland" does the phrase "Homeland" ring a bell? Nazi, Adolph Hitler used that one; and Bush is a mirror image of that creep. At this point in time, and will go down in our history books, a terrorist is any one who disagrees with the Bush administration on the war, political ideas, against corporate greed, believes in global warming, believes in protecting the environment, believes that those in our government are NOT above the law, believes in the CONSTITUTION. If you fit into any one of these categories you may, could most likely, and probably are on a terrorist list. Bush also has made it possible that if you speak out against the government the government can take possession of your property, just another Nazi idea, of George Bush design. People who use global-positioning in their cars are allowing the government to know every move that they make, although some people argue that global positioning is a good thing, such as locating kidnapped victims, or car accidents, I tend to agree that global positioning has its good points but like usual, good ideas are always used by bad people for evil ulterior motives. I would rather give up global positioning than have the government know what I am doing or where I am. In order to live in a FREE SOCIETY one must face risks or you are not free. I hope each day that the United States can bounce back from the brink of destruction, a place solely invented by Dictator George Bush. I have no good cheer or Christmas Wishes to convey to the President of the United States. I have nothing but contempt for the man and his minions.
I would like to say, Merry Christmas to Everyone! TAMMY
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