How can President Bush deny health care for America's children?
Both the U.S. House and Senate have voted with overwhelming bipartisan majorities to give children health care. This was great news to hard-working families across the country that can't afford insurance. While corporations in this country continue to make record breaking profits, continue to receive tax breaks at the expense of the very same people who can not afford health insurance for themselves or their children. While American jobs are being out sourced to foreign countries, again for corporate profit, threats aimed at American workers either agree to wage reductions, benefits reductions, retirement reductions or lose your job to cheap foreign labor, and again more profits for the greedy corporations, while people in this country can not afford basic health care for their families. Shameful President Bush is set to (and has) vetoed this bill, calling a necessary investment in children's health "excessive." Yet, as he was threatening to kill the bill, Bush announced an additional $200 billion in spending for the war in Iraq. The president wants to spend as much in about one month of the war in Iraq as it would cost to cover 10 million children for one year. Bush will deny millions of children in this country doctor visits, vaccines, and all around well care, by his impending veto. How can our so-called president be so callous and ignorant when it comes to our nations future, he shows no discrimination in his apparent contempt to his nation nor his countrymen. Bush has decimated the Constitution of this great land, taken away our basic and fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution, began spying on US citizens through the Patriotic Act, started a war with Iraq with lies, killed thousands of America's servicemen and women, denied our troops the needed equipment, cuts funding for veteran services, allows our veterans hospitals to be worse than slums, cuts funding for rehab and artificial limbs for our service people, gutted our environmental programs, denies global warming, mangles the English language. The list could go on and on what this traitor to the United States has done. And if what he has done to this great country is not enough he will show his disdain to the children of this nation by his poisoned pen, and his villainous signature when he veto's the (SCHIP) children's health care bill. Not may you rot in hell, you will rot in hell George Bush.
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