I walked back to the "office" and rang the bell under the "window."
"Hey, my key won't work!" I shouted.
The Manager was a thin, lanky Hispanic guy, with bad teeth and a face that resembled the craters of the moon. "Your key don' work?"
"No, it won't open the door," I replied.
"You don' need no key. The door will open," said a scowling Manager.
The man grudgingly put on his shoes and stepped out of his "office." He headed for my room, walked up to my door and gave it a resounding kick.
The door opened.
"You can get in now," the manager sneered.
I stood there with my mouth open. "It won't lock?" I stammered.
"Dare's a hook inside," smirked the Manager as he turned his back to me and marched back to his room.
The inside of my room was not pretty, and it was not all that clean either. I opened the bathroom and looked inside. I glanced up and noticed what I thought might be gang graffiti on the ceiling. I thought it might be a good idea to do more than trust a door hook. I propped a chair up against the front door.
It was 9:00 PM and Star Trek TNG, my favorite TV program, was supposed to be on. I turned on the TV. I noticed that there only seemed to be three channels that worked. None of the channels had Star Trek. What they had were contorting naked sweaty bodies. I did watch the TV for a bit, I have to admit that I was curious. I had never seen anything hard-core before. I quickly discovered that there were only so many orifices, and after a while things got pretty boring. The movies didn't have a plot, and the action started to become pretty repetitious. (I later found out that Harry had paid the office extra so that I would have those three channels).
I turned off the TV. I was tired. I had been up before 4:30 that morning and I intended to get up early again on Sunday. I turned out the light and started to sink into slumber.
I was jolted awake by the sound of a loud banging. The walls of my room were thin and I could hear sounds from the room next to mine.
"Uh, uh, uh, uh..."
It was apparent that someone was having an amorous liaison.
"Uh, uh, uh, uh...." Bump, bump, bump.
The banging sounds were their bed bouncing against my wall. I buried my head under my pillow.
"Uh uh uh uh uh." I wondered if they were ever going to stop. I really wanted to sleep. Time seemed to suspend itself, and the people next door seemed to be able to go on forever.
Things finally quieted down, and I started to once again slip into slumber.
Bump! "Uh, uh, uh, uh."
"Oh crap!" Thought I. "Not again."
I slept fitfully. The night was filled with strange sounds, and I quietly cursed Col Harry for his choice of lodging.
All at once, I found myself wide awake. I opened my eyes to find my room filled with flashing blue and red lights. Someone was banging at what I thought was my door. I glanced at my watch and I noticed that it was a little after five AM.
I hurriedly put on my uniform pants and stuck my head out the door. There were police everywhere. Someone was stringing yellow crime tape.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Someone got killed in the room next to you," replied the man who was stringing tape.
"Killed? Killed like in murdered?"
"Yep, someone shoved a knife into him," said the Police Officer.