
Food is wonderful and I enjoy eating.  I was addicted to food at an early age and I have never been able to break my habit of eating.  I eat morning noon and night.
Lots of people skip breakfast, but I don't. I love breakfast; it is the first meal of the day and my favorite meal.
I live across the river and South East of Longview Washington in the small town of Saint Helens, Oregon.  Saint Helens is the county seat and has a population of about 12,000. It is a 25 to 30 minute trip from St. Helens to Longview. To Saint Helens residents, The Longview Kelso area is considered "Big City," our doctors and dentists are there, and we often take advantage of their "big box" stores. We will visit Macy's and Home Depot, Lowe's, Office Max and revel in all the many choices that "big cities" have to offer small town residents like myself. 
It was Friday and I had to take my wife to the Doctor, she had an early morning appointment, and I missed breakfast. 
I remarked to my wife: "I sure hope that you get right in, and they don't keep us waiting. I'm really hungry."
"Did you bring a book?" asked my wife.
"Naw," said I. "I'll just read some of the old magazines. I remember the last time that I was in the waiting room, I found a three year old Discover." 
We arrived at the Doctors office.  I spied a soft chair, and a dated Time Magazine. The featured cover story was "The Hunt for Saddam Hussein."
I started chuckling over the dated material and caught the attention of a man sitting by me. "Look how old this story is" I chortled
He looked at me and smirked, "This News week has a cover with Bill and Monica."
I started to wonder if the doctor had any new magazines.
Fortunately for me, my wife did not take long, and we were on our way.
"Where are we heading?" asked my wife.
"Omelets and More," I responded.
Omelets and More is located at 3120 Washington Way. The streets of the City of Longview are laid out like the spokes of a wheel, or at least the spokes of half a wheel. The Axel is West Kelso; Washington Way, Ocean Beach highway, Oregon Way/ 15th Ave, and  3rd/1st Ave all seem to radiate from West Kelso. Industrial way is like a rim with spoke like streets connecting to it. Omelets and More is about four city blocks from Industrial Way close to the Industrial section of SW Longview.
My wife and I parked in their ample parking lot and walked into the restaurant. A sign on the door announced that they close at 2:00 PM. It was obvious that this place specialized in breakfasts. We walked into an outer entryway; I looked for a newspaper rack with copies of the Valley Bugler. I was please to find a few lying on a table. We walked into the main dining room and I noticed a board listing "today's specials." We walked over to the main cash register and a smiling lady greeted us with: "find yourself a seat; you can sit anywhere you like."
We chose a booth, sat down, and another smiling lady gave us menus. As she handed the menus to us, she asked "What would you like to drink?"
We ordered coffee and looked at our menus. They had a marvelous selection of breakfast foods, omelets, egg dishes, waffles, and pancakes as well as a section featuring lunch entrees.
"Neat!" I remarked. "They're charging the sort of prices that restaurants charged ten years ago."
The waitress returned and we ordered breakfast. I ordered steak and eggs and my wife ordered a broccoli and chicken quiche. I couldn't believe the prices; steak, eggs and coffee all for less than ten dollars.
We were served, and the breakfast was unbelievably good. My steak was cooked just as I asked it to be (medium rare). It was both flavorful and tender. My hash browns (with onions) were crisp and crunchy. My wife is a picky eater, her Quiche was unbelievably good, and she thoroughly enjoyed her meal.
The service was great, and my coffee cup remained filled throughout the meal. 
Our waitress cheerfully brought us the check. I mentally calculated the total, added taxes and figured that it would be close to eighteen dollars. Not bad, at all.
I got up and walked over to the cash register. The lady began ringing up our bill. She said "That will be $15.72."
"Huh?" I responded. "That's way too low. We owe you more money than that."
"No you don't" smiled the cashier. "You get a 10% senior citizen discount."
"Wow!" I gasped. "We live in St. Helens and this is the first time that we've ever been here. I had no idea that your food would be so good, it's reasonable, and on top of it, we get a senior citizen discount! I don't think that life could get much better than this."
The cashier smiled, "I do hope that this won't be your last time here. Please be sure to come again the next time you're in town."
I returned her smile. "You bet we will. I think I may have just found a new favorite restaurant."
I like food, and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I was addicted to food at an early age, and when I am in Longview, I now know of a place where I can satisfy my addiction, particularly, when it comes to breakfast.

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