"Here Jack. Nice Jack. Come here Jack" Jack with tail in motion chose to ignore everyone and climb higher looking for a tree borne cat.
"Wait a minute" said I. "I think I know how to get him down." I ran back into the house and grabbed a handful of dog biscuits and stuck them into my pocket.
I climbed partially up the tree and extended my hand clutching a dog biscuit. "Here Jack. Food. Come on; you hungry?"
Jack looked at the biscuit clutched in my hand and the next thing I knew, the biscuit was gone and my hand was covered with slime.
"Come on Jack, come on. Here, have another biscuit." I could see that I defiantly had his attention. Jack and I worked our way down the tree.
Jack reached ground before me and became a creature of constant motion. He was up and running down the middle of the street before I could draw out my next biscuit.
He was already a block away. His owner tried to call him back, and it seemed obvious to me that he was ignoring her.
"Hey Jack!" I yelled. "Look, I have more dog biscuits. I have more food for you." You would think that Jack was equipped with anti lock breaks. He stopped. He stood for a minute looking at me from a block away and then started running back toward me.
I held out my hand and the very next thing I experienced was the dog running by me, grabbing the biscuit, and not slowing down one bit. Jack was once again a full block away.
"Hey Jack. I have some more. Look more food," I yelled.
I could see that he was enjoying himself. His tail was moving at a tremendous pace and he turned around for another run. This time, I tried to outsmart him by holding my hand up in the air. That was no problem for Jack, he made a running leap for the dog biscuit, snatched it in mid air, and continued on his run.
Jack was truly enjoying himself. I could see that he saw "get the biscuit" as a new game. I turned to my neighbor. "I have one more idea get your leash ready."
I held up a biscuit for Jack to see. He started to run toward me. As the animal got closer, I covered the dog biscuit with my hand, and then said: "Sit Jack. Sit."
The dog came to an immediate stop and sat. "Stay Jack, stay" I said as I fed him another doggie morsel. I grabbed his collar, his owner then snapped her leash on him. I petted Jack and gave him another doggie treat.
"Good dog Jack. Good dog."
It was a hot summer day. I really didn't feel all that ambitious. Our cats had eaten, the neighbor's dog was back where he belonged, my wife, Claudia, was free to do wife things again, and I did what was right. I had experienced enough excitement for the day. I lay down on the couch, turned on the TV and allowed my mind, once again, to turn to oatmeal.
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