can use these cells to manufacture heart tissue, liver tissue, pancreatic tissue.  They can even use them to help re-grow nervous tissues.  Do you understand?  Stem cell research holds the promise of a cure for Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Heart disease, and a host of other things as well."

Mary gives an unlady like belch.  She pats her mouth with a paper towel.  "I don't think that they should be doing stuff with human eggs in the laboratory.  I think that it's awful that they use aborted fetus's.  Aborted, miscarried, artificially produced or whatever, it's immoral. I think that they should give those babies a decent burial."

Claudia looks astounded.  "Stem cells aren't babies.  They can never become a baby. 
They aren't sentient.  An ant, or a spider or fly has more sentience than a stem cell.  I really doubt if they have a soul".

Walt stuffs another Marlboro into his mouth. "You don't know that."

"No I don't," says Claudia, "but I do know that these stem cells have the potential for healing a lot of very sentient people.  They can help heal, and give many of us a promise of a life free from pain or disability.   

Walt sets his cigarette on the edge of his ashtray, and stuffs another roll into his mouth. "I agree with Mary, people should not try and act like God."

Claudia gives Walt a very serious look.  "Scientists aren't trying to act like God.  They are using the abilities and skills that God has given them to try and make life better for us all.  God gave us all minds, and the ability to use our minds."

I'm thinking that I need to say something to defuse a conversation that is bordering on tense.

"There was a Catholic Priest, Protestant Minister and a Rabbi." Says I with a stupid grin on my face. " The Clergymen were having a discussion about when life begins.  The Priest said that life begins at Conception.  The Protestant minister said that it begins at birth.  The Rabbi was silent.  Both the minister and priest looked at him and asked "When do you think that life Begins?"
" I think that it begins", says the Rabbi thoughtfully. "When the dog dies and the children leave home.""

Everyone laughs, except Claudia; who says something about it being an old joke. 

Claudia and I have some more coffee, Mary and Walt have some more beer.  Our conversation drifts to more serious topics like black helicopters, cattle mutilations, and world wide conspiracies.   

We finish off the remaining rolls, and get ready to leave.

We get our coats, and as I go out the door, I give Mary a big hug.
"You and Walt are our very dearest friends". 

"We love you too. Whispers Mary. "But I still think that they should give those babies a decent Christian Burial."


My other Writings