installed flush toilets in the White house.  In a time of the "little room out back" it was not thought proper by many to do indoors what nature intended man to do out.

Fillmore, perhaps not the best of presidents, did no irreparable harm.  He did not bankrupt the country, raise taxes, get us into any wars, sell arms to enemies, devalue the dollar, promote Central American revolutions, encourage inflations or recessions, dally with the ladies, or for that matter even have any notable scandals while holding high office.  Surely he should at least deserve a mention in a calendar Almanac.

Christmas and the old year are past, and we have a new and bright glowing future to look forward to.  Yet surely, we can take a moment to look back on to our countries grand past and Millard Fillmore.

Please note, that in keeping with tradition, all Federal offices will remain open in remembrance of January 7th, Millard Fillmore's Birthday.

The Columbia River Reader is printed monthly by Randy Sanders. 
P.O. Box 551 St. Helens, OR
Telephone 503 366-2201

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