Kiwanis Daybreakers 2002 11th Annual Children's Fair The largest event of it's kind in the entire Pacific North West. This year over 44 agencies and groups participated over 6000 people attended.
Children and parents alike, ride the Burgerville Train. All children's Fair events are without charge to the participants.
Charlotte Hart (left) and Carolyn McCarton (Center) originated the concept for a St. Helens Children's Fair. St. Helens first fair was held October 1991. Also pictured is Kiwanis club Charter member, Debi Corsiglia (rt.)
A petting zoo provided by Columbia County 4 H.
Katie Brewington along with other Key Club and Builders Club members assisted with the fair.
Dorenbecher Children's Hospital, Shriners Hospital, the Columbia Health District, Children's services, all helped participate in this event
County Commissioner Joe Corsiglia, a Kiwanian, played music, made announcements, and worked at this event from start to finish.
Visiting political Candidates, and politicians also spent time at this event. Don and Helen McDaniel (Upper lt.) and 31st District Representative Betsy Johnson (left side upper rt.) Kathy Taylor Commissioner Candidate (lower left) and Rita Bernhard, County Commissioner (Lower rt.) All enjoyed mingling with the Parents & Children.