Text Box: Brickbats, Barbs
And Various Rants

Regarding people posting “brickbats and Barbs,” satire contents do not have to be complimentary to me or this web page, all we ask for is a laugh or chuckle.  I have no sense of good taste or good judgment, so I will probably post most anything sent to me.   Send all barbs to: eaglew@sthelensupdate.com

Comments made aren’t necessarily the opinions of Bill Eagle, his family, wife, or anyone who even pretends to know him or pretends to be nice.  See Bill’s Standard Disclaimer

Text Box: I got to watch a delightful video from the Dorrance Dance Company. It has been described as “Sweet and Silly.’  It was a tap dance routine and it was fun to watch. It was based on a Duke Ellington version of the nutcracker suite. Both Suzanne and the kids loved it, but my understanding is that the Republicans went ballistic in flinging venom toward this innocent fun dance group.   Somehow I think it was much nicer and much more holiday fun than Trump’s wife Milania’s display of blood red Christmas trees.  

From: R. Patriot 12/13/23.
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump. 
I am looking forward to Mike Johnson issuing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden and his crime family. His family has been allowed to flout the law for years and now it is time for them to be called to task. I have heard plenty of evidence of their crimes on FOX, Blaze, Newsmax and the One America Network. America is a country of law and the Biden Family has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Ron Johnson has proof, even if it is only broadcast on right wing radio and TV, it is still true and should be able to be used to impeach Biden. . 
I love babies and I am most upset with the left wingers who want to kill them.
The state of Texas is correct in not allowing abortions.  Left wingers make up all sort of ridiculous stories because they want to kill their own babies. As I said before, our county is a country of law and we need to punish these women, their doctors and the hospitals that rip children out of mothers wombs’. 
The Bible says “Thou Shalt Not Kill” and we need to stand up and stop baby killing. These Commie Socialist left wingers are mostly all child molesters who are sacrificing children on the alters of their false gods. They are child trafficking in unborn babies and if you love God and love children, you will work hard to put a stop to their awful actions. 
God is with the GOP and we are all on God’s side. Be sure that you are on the right side and support Republican candidates.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne 12/13/23
Smokey is celebrating end of the quarter and going on Spring break by working full time at both our St. Helens and St. Johns Restaurants.  He is, at least, working days so that he can have time with the kids. They have set up their electric train, Xmas village and they are having a ball with it. 
I am disgusted with our do nothing Congress. They won’t do anything to help the American people. All they can talk about is impeaching the President, and the stupid thing is that they don’t have an ounce of proof to back up any of their impeachment claims. They can’t get anyone who will be willing to swear to anything under oath. All they are doing is political Kabuki Theatre.
Smokey and I just wrote a big check to Planned Parenthood. We are very upset with the awful thing that has happened to Kate Cox in Texas.  Kate is a mother of two healthy children. Her fetus had been diagnosed with a rare and deadly genetic condition called trisomy 18. Both Kate’s life as well as the baby’s life will be in danger if Kate were to carry her baby to term, not only that but the delivery of this baby may possibly render her sterile. According to the doctors, the fetus would not be expected to live even if she were to carry it to term. 
A court provided her with an exception, but the Republican Texas Attorney General has issued threats. He said that he will go after the hospital and he will jail any doctors who attempt to perform medically necessary abortions.  Kate has sued, but the Republican Texas Supreme Court has for forbidden her to have an abortion. Because her life is at stake, she has left the state. 
If you care about women and their rights, I would strongly suggest that you also donate to Planned Parenthood.  Women should have the right to control their own bodies and should not be forced to put their life at risk. 

From: R. Patriot 12/6/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump. My live in girlfriend is still not feeling well. She got sick with that Chinese flu last year and has had health problems ever since. Her doctor said that she has “Long Covid” (what ever that is). I am glad that I don’t have it, and I didn’t get any of those dangerous shots either. I sure as hell don’t want any of those government tracking devices in my blood stream. 
I am looking forward to attend a “Save America” Trump rally.  Most of these rally's will be live stream, but I am hoping that they will have some of them here in Oregon as well. 
We need Donald Trump.  He will save our nation from run away inflation and a corrupt Democrat party. People need to realize that the Republican party is the party of family values.  We don’t want groomers turning our children into gay or trans and we need to watch the sort of books that we allow our kids access to in our school libraries. 
Evil men like George Soros are spending great amounts of money to promote gay and negro causes. 
They are working to replace us with yellow, black, brown, and Jew people. We need to stand up for white and Christian values by supporting Donald trump and voting Republican. 
We are not racist, but pro Christian.  We need to stop babies from being aborted and put an end to this real holocaust in our state and our nation. 
Soro’s people own the banks, the media and are all part of the Hollywood elite. 
God is with us and the Republican party is the party of God. Vote for the good guys, vote for a white Christian America.
God bless America.  

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 12/6/23
Everything outside is wet. Our fields are wet and what used to be our garden is now under water. I am doing some paintings, nothing spectacular, but I find my use of color to be fun. 
I saw the Fat guys girl friend at Market Fresh yesterday. She looked really bad. I suspect that she has been sick. I feel real sorry for her and I hope that she gets better.
I just purchased Liz Cheney’s new Book “Oath and Honor.” I have not read much of it but from what I have read, she seems to tell it like it is.  I knew that Donald Trump was bad news, but I had no idea how really bad he is and how horrible our America would be if he is ever re-elected.  The man wants to be dictator and he has a number of “enablers” who would be willing to sell out our democracy and our country in order to gain his’s favor .
From what I have heard from Trump, it would appear that his primary motivation is revenge. Both Steve Bannon and Kash Patel, say that he plans to go after the media. He will punish them and many will see jail time. He does not want an independent media or an independent Justice Department. He has plans to make them all completely subordinate to him.
He also plans to fire 50,000 Federal Employees. This way, there will be no deep state and those that want government jobs, will have to take a loyalty test and oath to him personally, rather than to the Constitution. 
Things will be different under the next Trump Presidency and our country will become a far cry from what it is now.

From: R. Patriot 11/29/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
The witch hunt against our former President continues and the 91 indictments against him have backfired.  More and more people support our President and more and more people feel that he is being unjustly persecuted. His enemies have tried to gag him and prevent him from defending himself, but he has proven to be unstoppable. When they tried to  stop him from talking about Judges, Court Clerks, and perhaps even potential Jurors, they are attempting to take away his First Amendment rights to free speech. He should be allowed to rally his followers, since they are they only ones who can stop him from being unjustly prosecuted. You would think that this was a third world banana republic the way the crooked Demorats are trying to persecute and level unjust charges against our former President. 
His enemies may soon be sorry, because if President Trump wins the 2024 election, there will be big changes and roles will be reversed. He will jail the real enemies of our nation and we may even see a resumption of executions, possibly even public ones. Real crooks like Hillary and the entire Biden crime family will be called to question, and there will be a complete stop of illegal immigration and gay marriage.  America will no longer be plunged into Socialism and the evils of Obama care will be stopped.  With Donald Trump, our Nation will truly be great again… and no one, no one will trifle with us. God help anyone who crosses Donald Trump, for God is with him.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 11/29/23
Smokey seems to think that I need to write this blog in my own name.  He says that I am more politically astute than him. I suspect that he just does not have the time to write or do anything other than his work and school.  He is going to school full time and working part time. This, and his family duties, take up a good chunk of Smokies time.  
I am concerned about the rise of right wing Fascism in our country and in the world. 
Geert Wilders was just elected Prime minister of the Netherlands and it would appear that he wants to lead his country down the road to Fascism, as does the newly elected President of Argentina Javier Milei. They will join right wingers like Orban in Hungry, Modi in India, Netanyahu in Israel, Meloni in Italy, and Kaczynski in Poland.
Trump has told the world about his plans for the USA.  He plans to place his own people in the Justice Department, and overrule local law enforcement.  He will use the Insurrection Act to seize power, jail his enemies and establish a Fascist like government here in the USA.  
I have always wondered how Hitler was able to seize power in Germany, and now I am seeing it happen here in the USA.  I hope people are smart enough to see what Trump plans to do and will be willing to vote him and his supporters out. With vast amounts of money being spent on elections, voter caging, people being dropped from the voter rolls and gerrymandering of voters, we may see a minority of Fascists seize power here, regardless of how the majority of Americans vote.  
I hope that people will wise up before it is too late to protect their rights, and keep America democratic and free.. 

From: R. Patriot 11/22/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
We have a good reason why Donald Trump is our party leader. He is willing to work hard for us and he is not shy.  He says what he thinks. He is singlehandedly responsible for ending Roe v Wade. He promised that he would appoint anti-abortion justices and did just what he promised. He also, as the good book tells us, wants to punish women who kill babies by aborting them. He also pulled our troops out of Afghanistan, began peace talks with Russian and North Korea and will, like he did in Afghanistan, pull our troops out of NATO. We no longer need NATO and we no longer need wars, like those that Biden and his cronies are waging in the Ukraine. 
He will also work hard to protect our children, by banning books that teach racism, homosexuality, Socialism and pornography. He will jail librarians, teachers and others that refuse to eliminate books that teach this filth. 
He will bring stability to our government in America. He will protect us from the filth and vermin that are infesting us by illegally crossing our southern borders. He has already shown how he plans to accomplish this by utilizing the Insurrection Act, and setting up camps to imprison dissidents and illegal immigrants.  
We will never have to worry about our safety. Under Republican leadership and the Trump family, America will be safe and stable again. 
We all need to support President Trump and his family. Our nation and our freedoms will not survive without them
God bless America.

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 11/22/23
Halloween is over and now we have to get all geared up for Christmas. I think of myself as “spiritual, but I am not a Christian.  I also don’t believe that Christmas really is an actual Christian holiday. The early Christians borrowed from the Roman Saturnalia and pagan Solstice celebrations and replaced them with “Christmas.”  No one really knows when Jesus was born but Christmas was a good replacement for pagan holidays.  Today, commercialism has replaced the spiritual and Santa has replaced Jesus. Christmas is celebrated world wide in a number of Christian and non Christian countries. Merchants are happy to sell things and people, both secular and non secular, are happy to give and receive gifts 
Tomorrow we will be cooking a turkey, watching football on TV and celebrating Thanksgiving. This too, isn’t really a Christian holiday, but we all like food and Football, so what they heck. 
I see that the crooked Texas Attorney General is going to use the power of his Texas government to support Elon Musk in his bogus lawsuit against Media matters. Paxton was indicted for fraud 8 years ago and he has still not gone to trial. 
Multi Billionaire Elon Musk is throwing a slap suit at Media matters because they wrote a truthful article showing Twitter (now called “X”) running Nazi advertisements. Other advertisers read this article and have refused to advertise on “X” anymore. Musk (and Pazton) say that Media Matters is a “Far left organization” that wants to defame the good name of his “X” public media platform. 
It is a bogus slap suit and Musk has little chance of winning his suit, but legal actions can be a very expensive thing for a non profit like Media matters and that is what Musk wants to accomplish. 
Too bad that Musk wont use his money and power to do good things instead of supporting NAZI’s and racial hate groups. 

From: R. Patriot 11/15/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
Hurray for Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullen. He is and was willing to stand up for what is right and publicly challenge a Commie Marxist Labor Leader to a bear knuckle knock down and drag out fight. I think he scared the crap out of the old union guy.
I was disappointed in seeing the Republicans work with the Demorats in approving another “Continuing Resolution.” If they had any guts, they would have stuck to their guns and shut the damn government down until they got their way. I hope that they will show more guts when they have to vote again in January. 
I am looking forward to the November election next year. This will show the world that Donald Trump has captured both the hearts and minds of a Christian America. We will have no more witch hunts, but we will have genuine retribution. Donald Trump will start the purification process and clean America of Union and Marxist scum. He will reform our Civil Service and form a government that will work for America instead of working for lazy “woke” welfare kings and queens. 
Stand by folks for we will see a real work in progress… Donald Trump’s Christian America where the wrath of God will be spewed upon all of the enemies of God, truth and Freedom.
Looking forward to that day
God bless America.  

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 11/15/23
Smokey is working and going to school.  He is serious about what he is doing and is spending lots of his time here at home studying. Because he is busy, I will continue to write his blogs for him. 
Lots of things have happened this last week. Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin  Challenged the Teamsters President to a Fist Fight when the Teamster mentioned that Mullin has acted like a “Greedy CEO.”  It took Bernie Sanders to get them to calm down and act like grown ups instead of middle school brats.  Another Republican, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy elbowed Rep. Tim Burchett because he was one of the people responsible for removing McCarthy as speaker.  
My guess is that Republicans want others to think that they are “Manly Men” when they act violently toward others.
President Trump was noted to be reminiscent of Mussolini and Hitler in his New Hampshire Veterans Day speech. He called his opposition “Vermin, Marxists and radical left thugs”. He dehumanized his opposition and implied that they needed to be eliminated. 
It is no secret that Donald Trump has plans to use the Insurrection Act as soon as he is elected and has plans to construct “Camps” to send his opponents and suspected enemies. 
The Republican party has become not only the party of the wealthy and special interests but now a party of Dictatorship and Fascism.
I find it amazing that the people who support Trump and his preaching also claim to be Christian Patriots. 
If Americans buy this nonsense, then it will be the end of Americas’ two and a half centuries long experiment with democracy. 

From: R. Patriot 11/8/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
We had a great Platform Convention in Pendleton, this last month. Marvelous speakers and a wonderful occasion to be able affirm our stand for election integrity and our belief in law and order. 
I am so pleased that we have a wonderful Chair, Traci Brumbles. She exemplifies all the good things that Republicans Stand for. America, Christianity, and our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights. 
The witch hunters continue in their battle to discredit and jail President Trump. They have tried to muzzle him and prevent him from using his 1st Amendment rights to discredit the opposition, judges, and court employees. So far they have been unsuccessful and he has managed to let the world know that he is innocent. 
These people had better be careful, because when he is elected again, he will go after all who have opposed him, including Bill Barr and the Biden crime family. 
He is the greatest President our nation has seen in our life times and my hope and prayer is that he will again achieve power and remain President for life. 
God is with us and we need to work hard to keep our nation Christian, white and free.
God bless America. 

From: Smokey (Suzanne) 11/8/23
Smokey is really busy with school and working part time for the Burger Place, so I get to write his blog for him again. I probably should post my name on future blogs since I (his wife) probably will be filling in for him each week 
I have noticed that MSNBC, Yahoo News and the Washington Post have all published stories about Trump’s plans for revenge. According to these news outlets, the first thing that Trump will do will be to sign an Executive order invoking the Insurrection Act. This way he will be able to use the Military to crush any demonstrations, or any attempts to protest his actions. 
Trump plans to fire existing Justice Department Employees and staff it with his own people, people who are loyal to him personally. He has published ambitious plans to take action not only against his political opposition, but also against people in his own party who he feels have been less than loyal to him. He has mentioned a number of people by name which include Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley; Lawyer, Ty Cobb; and Former Attorney General Bill Barr. He has also talked about prosecuting various people in the F.B.I. and Justice Department as well as the entire Biden family.  
If Trump is elected, the man plans to seize as much power as possible under the untested theory of being a “Unitary Executive.” He plans to do this as quickly as possible before anyone can take action to the contrary.
I have often wondered how a Progressive nation like Germany could have allowed someone like Adolph Hitler to come into power.  I now can see how Trump and his MAGA followers may accomplish for the USA what Hitler did for Germany. 
This is a chilling thought and if we are not careful, in 2024, it can happen here.

From: R. Patriot 11/1/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump. I had fun this Halloween. This year,  I didn’t put my dogs on my front porch,  I just posted a big sign that read “Quarantined for Covid”. I didn’t have any little urchins begging at my front door this year but big High School kids knocked on my door. I jumped out and told them that I would breath on all of them if they were not careful. They took off on a run. 
The witch hunt continues and the Demorats are spending valuable time accusing President Trump and his children of all sorts of fake financial crimes. Attorney General Letitia James (a Black Racist) is trying to make people believe that the President’s Children were aware of and knowingly participated in a long running scheme to falsely inflate the Trump company assets to get favorably terms for loans and insurance policies.  This is nonsense, but who knows what James’s Kangaroo court will come up with.  
Obviously we know that everyone is completely innocent
I do know that come the next election, when Donald Trump is put back into power, that there will be a reckoning. Some people had better be very afraid, because Donald Trump is not the sort of person who will abide disloyalty or dishonesty. 
Our nation needs a leader like Donald Trump and he will work hard to make our Country Great Again.  
God Bless America

From: Smokie (Suzanne) 11/1/23
Smokie has once again asked me to write his blog for him.  He is going to school and working part time at the St. Johns Restaurant.  He is pretty busy, but seems to think that he can handle school and still work part time. 
Don Jr. made his debut in court today regarding their fraudulent family business. Eric is scheduled to testify on Thursday. Donald Trump’s turn will be November 6th, and Ivanka November 8. I am particularly interested in what they have to say, particularly since they will all be under oath.  My guess is that they all will have memory problems. Don Jr. said that he never saw any important papers and was not sure what best accounting practices are.  
Donald Trump took time out to blast the judge and seems to think that he is not under any sort of a gag order. 
Listened to MSNBC and it would appear that Trump, if elected, plans to take revenge on all the people that have either slighted him or rubbed him the wrong way.  He, and his followers believe in the Unitary Executive.  He plans to consolidate all power under his control.  His plans are to install lawyers and judges who will support and take orders from him, regardless of the law. 
It would appear to me, that if he is re-elected that he will turn the USA into a full blown Fascist nation. 
Our fathers fought in a great war to stop Fascism, and it would be a shame to see the USA fall to this evil philosophy. 

From: R. Patriot 10/25/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
I am not looking forward to kids trick or treating at my house. Last year I made sure that a couple of my dogs were tied up on my front porch.  If it were not for neighbor complaints to the County, I would do it again.  I think I will just refuse to answer my door when they ring the door bell.
I am thrilled with the selection of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. He is a White Christian, God loving American. He is all that we have ever asked of our politicians.  He believes in President Trump and he knows that our election was stolen. Johnson stands for running our government on Christian principles. I am sure that he will do his best to stop abortionists from legally killing innocent children. Demorats may love child murder, but we Christian Republicans don’t. He also does not believe in fake science, be it the global warming hoax or forcing school children to be given dangerous vaccines. Above all, he will stop our nation from hemorrhaging money with the Ukraine. We need to pull out of that war, we have no business interfering with Russia’s domestic policies. 
It will be good to see our nation run again on good Constitutional principles, and stop the Demorat socialists in their tracks. 
I thank God that we have a Christian Nationalist speaking for our House of Representatives. God will prevail and our nation will again be run as a white Christian nation. God bless America. 

From: Smokie (Suzanne) 10/25/23
Sean is in school, Smokey is taking college classes and Rosie and I are home keeping things running.  Most everything (including our pumpkins) has been harvested from our neighborhood garden and I get to work on my art, (assuming that little Rosie lets me).
I am disgusted with the Republicans, they have pretty much brought our government to a stand still. We have Tommy Tuberville holding up all of our important military promotions, we have the threat of a government shut down in November, and Republicans have turned our House of Representatives into a clown show. They have finally, managed to select a speaker. The reason why they have taken so long to do so is that they refused to want to work across the isle with Democrats. They don’t want compromise or care about the wants or needs of better than half of America. They picked Mike Johnson from Louisiana. He is a MAGA election denier, who thinks vaccines are dangerous, thinks the January 6th Insurrection was a legitimate citizens exercise, global warming is a hoax, and wants to work hard to pass a national abortion ban.  
I suspect that he also would like to make Donald Trump President for life and be willing to let Vladimir Putin run our nation. 
I can’t believe that the Republicans would be so stupid or disloyal.  I am not looking forward to the next year and a half.  I am afraid that our government may come to a crashing stop. 

From: R. Patriot 10/11/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.  
I am disgusted with the Demorats. They have done nothing to help our nation or the world. They have allowed Hamas to attack Israel and have done nothing to stop this from happening.  As a good Christian, I am concerned about the State of Israel, because that is where the war of Armageddon will be fought and Christ will then again return and rule the earth. Jesus will throw the Communists, Socialists, and Democrats into hell fire and the world will see a rule of righteousness with Republican king Jesus. 
Donald Trump has the ability to bring on the Rule of Jesus. He promises that if elected, he will not allow the evil Deep State to exist.  He will fire millions of lazy federal employees and replace them with loyal Republican American patriots. He has an enemies list and with a new, stronger and loyal Justice department will jail his enemies and perhaps execute them, making it much easier for Jesus to begin his rule.   
If you care about good government, if you care about America, then you really need to support our countries only hope, Donald Trump. 
God Bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 10/11/23
Smokey had a day off on Monday.  No school, and he spent most of his time working around the house. He still asked me to write his blog for him again this week. 
Strange that the GOP is blaming the Democrats for the war in Israel.  In reality, they have no basis for doing this, when the GOP has gone out of their way to disable our own ability to act in the Middle East.  They have refused to approve the appointment of an Ambassador to Israel, and GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville has refused to allow the appointment of an Army Chief of staff or for that matter promotion of 100’s of military high ranking officers.  Our GOP house has not made any attempt to allow money for a military response on our part and seems set on shutting our government down in the next month and a half.  If one didn’t know any better, it would seem that the GOP is following orders issued by Putin’s Russia, rather than the American people.  
The GOP seems to be having a great deal of difficulty in choosing a Speaker for the House.  They have two major candidates, one a blatant racist and the other an insurrectionist. It should be apparent that as far as the GOP is concerned, the days of rational government are over.  The MAGA faction is in control of the Republican party and they don’t give a rip about helping our nation or the American people. They seem to want prevent us from being a functioning democracy and turn us into a racist fascist dictatorship.

From: R. Patriot 10/4/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.  Good riddance to Kevin McCarthy. He refused to do what President Trump asked him to do and went with the Democrats to prevent the government from shutting down. He is a traitor to our Country and to the Republican Party and should not be in as important a position as Speaker of the House.  
Republicans are now considering running President Trump as Speaker. There are no rules that would prevent him from assuming that position. Donald Trump was the greatest President our nation has seen in modern times and he did everything that he told us he would do. He was wealthy enough so that he donated all of his salary to charity.  He built a wall, he shut down our borders, and made illegal immigration very unpleasant.  Donald was responsible for saving the lives of millions of unborn babies and he protected us from George Soros, BLM and ANTIFA.  Donald Trump presided over the greatest economy our nation has ever seen; and yet he is being persecuted like no other former President ever has been. 
A corrupt Biden Administration with a corrupt Justice Department is accusing him of crimes when he has done no wrong. 
We need to stand up for Donald Trump, election integrity and white Christian America. 
Help us to rid America of an old corrupt senile poor excuse for a President. Make Biden a one term President and when he loses, he and a lot of other people really deserve to see jail time. God is on the side of the GOP and we all need to be on God’s side. As Christian Nationalists, let us all stand up for America and vote Republican.
God Bless America. 

From: Smokey (Suzanne) 10/4/23
Smokey is busy with school work, so that I am again writing his weekly blog, We are giving out pumpkins to all of the neighbors and just about anyone else who wants them.  Our community garden has really made a big hit with the neighborhood and we plan to continue with it again this next year.
MSNBC’s Alex Wagner began her show tonight with a discussion of Who will be Speaker of the House.  She mentioned, former House Speaker, Dennis Hastert who in 2015 admitted to sexually abusing a number of young people.  She then said that Jim Jordan, who witnessed and ignored sex abuse by another wrestling coach at Ohio State, and then pointed to Steve Scalise from Louisiana, who formally has been described as a “White supremacist.”   She pointed out that as human beings, Hastert, Jordan and Scalise all have less then desirable traits and (with the exception of Hastert)  want to become Speaker of the House. In addition to these people, we have Donald Trump who is being charged with 34 crimes and has proven to be a serial adulterer and rapist. Trump is now being suggested as Speaker of the House. 
 The House Republicans, under their leadership, have in the last year passed no meaningful legislation and under their lack of leadership are willing to allow our nation to go into default.  This is so disgusting and so very unamerican.  Have the Republicans no shame, are they stupid, or are they really just downright evil? I am amazed that  people will still vote for them.

From: R. Patriot 9/27/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.   

The walls are closing on the Biden Crime family and patriots like Marjorie Taylor Green, and Paul Gosar, are preparing Articles of Impeachment. Biden is probably one of the most corrupt politicians in history. He is not only corrupt, but he is also senile so that he can be easily manipulated by haters like George Soros and the Obama family

This last July, I signed a petition asking for school choice. I believe that parents should be allowed to choose what schools their children attend. I am a strong advocate for Parental rights. We should allow our children to be able to attend Christian schools and we should have them as part of our County School District. 
We need to stand up and prevent our schools from grooming our children. Children as young as 5 are being taught to become trans or gay. They are also being taught bad things about our county. 

If you love America, you will want our children to be proud of our county. We don’t want our children to grow up gay, trans or being Ashamed of America. We need to do as they have done in Florida, Texas and elsewhere, and make sure that our parental rights are heard and our children are taught to become Christian, straight, proud and to marry white. 

We should not allow our nation or our children to become mongrelized. We all need to  stand up for school choice.

God bless America.

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 9/27/23
Smokey is busy doing school work so I am writing his blog (again) this week. 
We have harvested most of our veggies for our neighbors. The remainder has been given to the food bank.  Our pumpkins look ripe enough so that there will be plenty for both our neighbors and others come Halloween time.   

I just read that Florida is leading the country in book bans. PEN America recorded 3,362 instances of bans in public school classrooms and libraries from July 2022 to June 2023 across the county. Out of these, about 1,400 (40%) took place in Florida. Texas registered the 2nd highest number of book bans, with 625 books followed by Missouri, Utah and Pennsylvania. 

The right wing wants to censor the books that people read.  They have banned books that have characters who are gay, trans and (gasp) colored. They also want to ban books that cast a bad light on things that we have done in the past. 
It would appear to me that the right wing not only is opposed to kids leaning about human sexuality, but they are also opposed to them learning about black history or discovering how we have treated native Americans, oriental populations, world events like the Holocaust and our own Internment of Japanese during WWII .  

You would think that we would want to understand history and try and learn from our own mistakes. It appears that there is a national movement, lead by our Republican party, to try and cover up or ignore the mistakes that we (and other people) have made in the past. 

It seems strange to me that our nation would be going down the same path as the NAZI’s and Fascists of Old and ban books, because our children might learn something that a bigot would not want them to learn. 

I believe that our schools should try to expand knowledge, understanding, and compassion instead of allowing for ignorance and fear. 

Book bans are wrong and I hope you are opposed to them as well. 

From: R. Patriot 9/20/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.   
I was contacted by a corporation asking if I would to sell my rentals to them. I will do that if they are willing to make it worth my while.  It would be one less worry for me.  I would not have to worry about collecting rentals or fixing things that my renters break. 
I just read in AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens). That crooked Biden is trying to pass a rule to make it harder for any future Republican President to control the left leaning deep state. 
The article explains that of the 2.2 million federal workers only about 4,000 are Presidential appointees.  Of these federal workers over 95% are left wingers. These lefties remain on the job whenever a new President is elected and there is little that they can do to control them. 
President Trump was often frustrated by the deep state and many of his important policies were stopped or at least slowed down by these lefties.   President Trump, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy all have vowed to put a stop to this sort of government abuse. We need to bring Jacksonian democracy back to how we run our government.  
We need to stand up and prevent crooked Biden from permanently establishing this part of his left wing agenda. He is hiring trans, gay and women to jobs that belong to men.   Presidents should be able to again wrest control of the left wing deep state and make sure that we employ only patriotic Americans instead of sabotaging left wing zealots.   
God is with the GOP and we need to do God’s work.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 9/20/23
Smokey is in school and so is Sean, and little Rosie has her nose out of joint. Since her dad and brother are now going to school, Rosie seems to be having a hard time understanding why she, a “big girl of 3 years” isn’t in school as well.  I guess I could enroll her in either Snoopyland or Creekside Academy, but I really hate to let go of her, 
I’m selfish, I really enjoy being with my little daughter.
I have been listening to the news and I am disgusted with our MAGA Republicans in Congress. It would appear that they are dead set on shutting our government down. They are anti vaccination and don’t want to support flue, COVID or RSV shots.  They don’t want to upgrade our national infrastructure, they are opposed to our supporting the Ukraine and they think that it is awful that President Biden is working to reduce the cost of drugs and supports workers’ rights and unions. They seem to be opposed to consumer protections, and child labor laws. So far, this Congress has not passed any meaningful legislation and it is evident to all that the MAGA crowd does not believe in Democracy, our system of government, or helping average Americans.  Republican Tommy Tuberville refuses to allow our military to promote their upper-level officers and it would appear that he, and others like him, are damaging our military preparedness.  All our MAGA Republicans seem intent on doing is making up untrue stories about open borders and Joe Biden’s son’s criminal actions.  Strange that the actions of Trump’s sons and daughter didn’t bother them at all, and they were (unlike Biden’s son) actually part of Trump’s Administration and actively involved in making policy decision. 
I am amazed that many Americans’ have been fooled by these people who are pretending to be patriots, but are in truth fascists trying to undermine our democratic republic. 

From: R. Patriot 9/13/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.  
I just hired my ex brother-in-law to help me do some plumbing on my rental units.  I have raised my rents, so I have to do some repairs. I don’t want to spend more money than I have to and being a good businessman, I need to cut corners where I can. 

I am pleased that the Patriots in our US House are starting an impeachment inquiry on the Joe Biden Crime Family. It is about time that they do something about one of the most corrupt President’s in history.  I know that this is true, because I have been told all about this on Fox, Brietbart, and Alex Jones network.  Multiple sources mean that the message is true.  You can’t believe the lies that you hear on the Mainstream media, but you can believe what you hear on the media that I listen to. 
We are facing a fiscal crises, open borders, runaway inflation, high gas prices and unjustified persecution of our last (and perhaps greatest) President. 

Biden is corrupt and he is working hand and glove with his crooked drug addicted son . It is about time that Americans wise up and impeach this senile fool. 

We really need to work hard to bring us back to the golden years of the 1890’s. We need to make America Great Again.
We need to be careful on how we vote.  We need to vote GOP (God’s Own Party). We need to save America from racist Commies like George Soros.  We need to protect our children from Child molesting Demorats.   Let us all work hard and make sure that America stays free, Christian and white.  

God Bless America.
From: Smokey 9/13/13
All ready for school and my first day of classes on September 26th.  All my books are purchased and I have finalized my schedule. 
We have harvested lots of veggies for our neighbors and for the food bank.  I am pleased that the Burger place is taking care of my neighbor who needed help. I got him a job.  They are happy with him, and he seems to be very happy with his job.  

Suzanne get’s the Thom Hartmann Newsletter and she shared this with me:
House Republicans have revived the infamous Swiftboat lie strategy that helped defeat John Kerry in 2004. In essence, it involves relentlessly lying about a candidate and smearing his or her name and reputation in the hopes it’ll shave a few points off their popularity with independent voters.

While virtually 100 percent of the men who served with Kerry in Vietnam spoke glowingly of his service, a group who did not serve with him made up lies and exaggerations.

Kerry and those who served with him tried to get the truth out, but, as Mark Twain is often credited as saying, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

While Democrats prefer to win elections based on facts and policy positions, Republicans — not having anything to offer average Americans — instead default to slander and lies. Like with Obama’s birth certificate. Or Hillary’s email and Benghazi.
Wouldn’t most people, after all, resort to lies if all they had to offer was:

— Forcing 10-year-olds to carry their rapist’s babies to term,
— More guns to slaughter more American children,
— Tax cuts for billionaires,
— More fossil fuels to create out-of-control weather,
— A government shutdown to cause a recession,
— And a Russian victory in Ukraine?

I am amazed that people still think that the they are being helped by Republicans. I hope people will be wise in the way that they cast their ballots this next year. 

From: R. Patriot 9/6/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.  
I went ahead and did as I promised to do and evicted three families who have been traditionally late in paying their rent.  You should have seen them howl and their kids cry. I told them that it was my Christian duty to do what I have done. I hope they all learn how to become responsible citizens. Our nation does not need more free loaders.  
Personally, I believe that left wing programs like free kids lunches, food stamps, and free school all encourages this sort of behavior. In the old days people were able to stand on their own.  People would work and save for the future. 
Because of far left politicians, this is no longer so.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is now putting together Articles of Impeachment to remove Biden, a corrupt would be dictator. 
We need to jail both Biden and his crooked son for their misuse of their political office.  Sadly, we now have a senile, brain dead President who is actively conducing a witch hunt against former President Trump. 
Biden is lying about our economy and even when he says it is good, we know that things are bad. What they don’t seem to realize is that the more Biden tries to hurt President Trump, the stronger our former President becomes.  He is a strong man, a strong leader and a man that God has appointed to lead our nation. President Trump, when elected will jail the crooks who oppose him and he will lead us on to great things. 
Under President Trump, America will truly become great again.
God bless America. 

From: Smokey 9/6/23
I am getting all ready to go back to school. I have done most of my advanced paperwork and am ready to hit the books again.  In the meantime, I was able to help a neighbor, who had some injuries,  get a job with the Burger Place.  He was having some financial problems since he was not able to work for a while.  Suzanne and I have helped them buy some groceries over the last few months.  Today,  I was able to make sure that he was employed.  With a job he will now be able to get back on his feet.  
Suzanne says that there is a group called “No Labels” that wants to establish itself as a third party.  They seem to have quite a bit of money, and no one seems to know who is financing them.  She thinks that their purpose is to pull votes away from President Biden and get Trump re-elected. She also wonders if they are being financed by some foreign country like Saudia Arabia or Russia. It is really strange that they won’t tell anyone where there money is originating from. 
My wife also mentioned that there is another group, called “Moms for Liberty.”  This Mom’s group is an active right wing organization and stands opposed to abortion, public education, gays, Hispanics, and other minorities. It is no surprise that, despite their name, they are not for liberty, at least not for poor and working people.
People need to know that the name of an organization does not always say what an organization stands for.
There are a number of right wing organizations that are actively trying to discredit President Biden. They like to make out that he is senile and they tell numerous lies about him and his accomplishments. 
Lots of people don’t realize that under our president, we now have the greatest job growth of any industrialized nation.  We also have the lowest rate of inflation of any industrialized county, the lowest unemployment and the best economy that we have ever seen in the last sixty years.  President Biden, under the “Build Back Better  Act” is responsible for lowering drug prices and bringing manufacturing back to the USA.
Despite right wing lies and opposition, our President has accomplished a tremendous number of good things for our country. 

From: R. Patriot 8/31/23
God bless America, the GOP and the man that should be our real President, Donald Trump.
Ha!  I hired a good Jewish lawyer to help me write up new rental leases. There is a shortage of rentals in our community and I see this as an opportune time to be able to raise rents. I have done the paper work to get the Sheriff to evict some of the people who have gotten behind in their rent. I am a Christian man and I don’t believe in supporting free loaders. 
I expect the house to have articles of impeachment for Biden very soon.  He should be impeached for his corruption and Hunters laptop.  Even if he is not impeached he should not be allowed to run again for President.  He is far too old and he is not near as athletic or in as good a shape as President Trump.  Biden is senile and can’t even speak a coherent sentence by himself. A good example is that he can’t ride a bicycle without falling off. On a darker note, he is probably also a child molester. You can tell this by just looking at him and seeing how he fawns over small children and babies. 
President Trump’s doctor has declared him to be in better physical shape than any President in recent history.  President Trump is a real man, a he-man not a wimpy old guy like Biden.  President Trump is and will be a strong President, hopefully for life. He is God’s promised one and he will lead our nation on to greatness.  President
Text Box: From: R. Patriot 3/12/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
I was most impressed seeing our President and Elon Musk with Tesla cars in front of the White House.  Our President says that he will buy a Tesla and the more I think about it, I might buy one as well. 
I like the one with red color, and I might do that once I sell my Hummer. I did drive by the Tesla Dealer on Macadam Avenue in Portland. I saw a bunch of far left wackos with signs protesting. 
I was going to stop and get out, but I did not want to face a bunch of angry crazies. 
My guess is that they don’t have the slightest idea what they are protesting, but I think that the cops should stop them, since what they are doing is pretty close to terrorism .
Elon Musk is a great patriot. He is working hard to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in our government. He deserves our support not our derision. He is helping Donald Trump save America from terrorists, immigrants, far left commies and democrats.
Americans need to all pull together and support our President and Elon Musk. They are fighting for a stronger, better America and our support of them will make us stronger and better as well.
God bless America.

From: Suzanne 3/12/25
I am pleased to say that I have sold several of my smaller sculptures and a painting. Smokey is still in school. Fortunately his company is paying for his college, including a small stiped for expenses, but it still isn’t what we would earn if he were working full time. We need my income, just to pay taxes and utilities. I am looking forward to Smokey completing school and getting a fat paycheck in the next year (or so). 
I am appalled by Trump and his surrogate Musk destroying our government, institution by institution and department by department. Their actions lead creditability to stories that I have read in both the Guardian and The Hill. According to Alnur Mussayev, Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 when he first visited Moscow.  He was given the code name “KRASNOV.”
Evidently several years ago Yuri Shvets, a Former KGB major now resident in Washington, D.C., also related a similar story. 
Not long ago, another former KGB officer in France, Sergei Zhymov, volunteered this information to a Ukrainian Journalist. 
It would appear that three former KGB operatives locate in different places and at different times, have provided information saying that Trump has for years been working for Putin and Russia/
This might also explain why Trump stole Secret and Confidential documents after he first left the White House and hid them at his Mara-a-Lago resort. It might also explain why Trump, during his first term, on May 10, 2017 held a meeting, without any Americans, with the Russian Foreign Minister and revealed secret information to him. 
I sincerely believe that Donald Trump is a “Manchurian Candidate”...A Russian asset and that he is deliberately and systematically destroying our Country. 

From: R. Patriot 3/5/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump in the last month and a half has worked very hard to quickly make our nation great again. He is a business genius and has appointed other geniuses (like Elon Musk and Linda McMahon) to save America. It is amazing how quick he has been able to move in eliminating Waste fraud and abuse. He has carefully chosen the very best people our nation has, to be in his cabinet, and to serve as his advisors (Not that a genius like President Trump needs advice).
It is no wonder that the people of America gave him a mandate to bring about change and save us from gay perverts and the far left Wackos that used to run our country.
He is saving money by using military C-130’s to deport illegal immigrants.  He is saving us from diseased drug peddlers, rapists and pedophiles by deporting these undesirables. We need to thank God that he is here to rescue us from the scourge that is menacing our nation. He is also protecting our youth from the harm that gays, trans  and drag performers are doing to our nation and to our children. 
I expect to see our President enlarge our nation by acquiring Greenland and Panama. He mentioned this in his “State of the Nation” speech.  It is, after all, in our national interest to enlarge and strengthen America.
I feel so much safer now knowing that our President has control of our military, our courts and what remains of our government civil service. By eliminating the DEI scam, he is insuring that only the best white people get jobs. He is saving our nation from waste fraud and abuse and saving our children from being turned into gay or trans perverts.
I am so thankful and I am so sure, that most of America is being made better, thanks to the work of God loving patriots like Donald Trump.
God bless America.

From: Suzanne 3/5/25
I listened to a portion of Trump’s “State of the Union” message and I wasn’t all that impressed. Much of what he spoke about wasn’t even true. 
He stated that he is working on reducing inflation, all the while imposing 25% tariffs on Canada, Mexico and additional tariffs on China and Europe. Most of our goods, our lumber, car parts as well as a good part of our food and electricity comes from our North American neighbors. Trump tried to blame the price of eggs on Biden, yet the prices continue to increase under Trump’s own presidency. 
According to Associated Press (A now Trump banned news agency) Trumps statistics were rife with errors and outright lies. 
Trump has received a healthy economy from Biden and now seems to be looking at ways to kill all the gains that our nation has achieved over the last four years.  He has cancelled drug price protections, he is conducting whole sale layoffs of federal workers. This is not going to save our nation money but will me our lives less safe and much more expensive. It would appear that despite his promises to the contrary he will be going after Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. https://pennsylvaniaindependent.com/politics/trump-breaks-promise-cut-social-security-administration-funding-closures/).
Trump has managed to move America from being on the side of democracies to supporting authoritarian dictatorships like Russia, North Korea, Hungry and China.
He is moving us away from being a pillar of democracy that supports its people to becoming a petty and corrupt oligarchy that supports only a few. 
The people of America mistakenly chose Trump, and now we will have to live with our foolish choices.  

From: R. Patriot 2/26/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
Damn, but good things are happening.  Our President has Elon Musk kicking ass and taking names.  He is purging our government of waste fraud and abuse.  He is also, in the process of eliminating, all the commies that make up the deep state This is something that our God saved President has promised he would do. He is fulfilling his promises and repairing the damage that 80 years of far liberal socialist polices have done to our nation. 
I no longer expect to see hoards of ugly cancer causing windmills ruining our view of the river or hear the whines of liberals who believe the hoax of global warming. 
We will no longer have our universities being subsidized so that they will become a haven of commie socialism.  Vice President Vance is right in saying that they are the “enemy.”  Young people who are raised as good Christians go to college and they are brain washed with Commie liberal ideas. It is about time that this is recognized and that our President has the guts to put it to an end.  Our nation needs to become more like Florida and stop subsidizing our schools when they are feeding our youth dangerous and crazy ideas.  
Under MAGA, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, sanity now prevails
God bless America.

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 2/26/25
It would appear to me that the Trump Administration seems to be waging a war on science. His administration seems to be actively opposing scientific research.  They have cut NIH grants, a major sources of research money to Universities.  His Vice President has, in the past, stated that professors and universities are the enemy.  
It would appear that the Trump people don’t believe in higher education or scientific research.  They seem to be actively opposed to belief in climate change or what scientist have to say about our environment. 
Trump has signed executive orders pulling the US our of the 2015 Paris climate agreement and withdrawing our support of the World Health Organization and possibly the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as well as the National Weather Service. 
Trump and Musk have moved to firing and demoralizing our federal workforce including upward to 280,000 scientists and engineers. 
They also don’t seem too excited about poor or working class people going to college with their cuts of Pell grants and support to help low income students. According to Brian Alexander:  “MAGA is calling for a major, aggressive conservative drive against higher education.  Vance and other have charged academia with mendacity, hypocrisy, and aiding economic misery. 
They are opposing science, opposing Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and plan to set our nation back a good half century. 
Republican voters may not realize it but they not only screwed us but them selves in the process. Their support of Trump and his MAGA radicals have screwed our entire nation and upset the balance of what remains of the free world. 

From: R. Patriot 2/19/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
I am so pleased, that in this short time, all the things that our President has accomplished for us.
He has put a stop to the hoards of brown criminals and crazies that have been trying to illegally invade our country.  He has opened up Guantanamo, where we can safely send them. He, with the help of Elon Musk has ferreted out and eliminated waste fraud and abuse in our government. He has shut down unnecessary government agencies and made it possible for American companies to flourish. 
He now has a peace plan for both the Ukraine and for Gaza. He will turn Gaza into the Riviera of the Middle East, with hotels and casinos. It will become an International ocean side place of recreation; the envy of the world. 
He will increase our land mass by buying or annexing Greenland. A place filled with precious metals, and a place that  is in our National interest to exploit. He will again take back the Panama Canal. A project that American lives were lost in our building the canal. 
President Trump will also create “Free zones.” Places where industry can flourish without worrying about taxes or pesky environmental regulations.
I expect to see inflation licked, food prices to decrease, and our taxes to disappear under President Trump’s “New Golden Age.”  I see a land where all will prosper and God will reign over all.
Good bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 2/19/25
Everyone was home on President’s day. It was great having all of our family in one place all day. 
I was appalled in hearing President Trump parroting Vlad Putin’s line that the Ukraine started the war. Russia invaded the Ukraine in an unsuccessful power grab and now Trump is parroting Putin by blaming the victim of his aggression. 
 Trump met in Saudi Arabia with Russia and without any input from the Ukraine to decide Ukraine’s fate. It should be pretty apparent that trump is Putin’s man and does not care one bit for a free or democratic Ukraine...or for that matter, democracy any where else.
I also find it upsetting that Trump wants US troops to occupy Gaza. It would appear that he is interested in Gaza as a potential real estate development. He wants to trade America lives for private real estate. 
Trump is busy pissing off our allies and our friends with his support of Neo Nazi parties in Germany, Tariffs on Mexico and Canada, a desire to buy or annex Greenland and invade Panama. 
He has conducted mass firings of civil servants, shut down entire government agencies and appointed crooks, and incompetents to head what might remain. 
Since the time of President Garfield, we eliminated the old spoils system and have been able to be proud of our civil service. It would appear that this has come to an end and we are seeing the resurrection of the old spoils system. 
It is my belief that this is an attempt to sell off and privatize much of our government, much to the benefit of Trump’s wealthy friends. 
What we are seeing is an end to the dream of what used to be the dream of America and the start of a new “Gilded age” of oligarchs and robber barons.
Let us pray that our nation will last long enough to put an end to our national destruction. 

From: R. Patriot 2/12/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
My neighbor, across the street is still parking a truck in front of his place.  I called the cops, I was surprised that they came, but when they arrived, the truck was gone. 
I am pleased with all the things that my President is accomplishing with the help of the Elon Musk. Musk is in chare of DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency). They are  in the process of saving America from a nightmare bureaucracy. They are rooting out criminal civil servants. So far they have stopped millions of dollars being spent on condoms for GAZA and payments to 150 year old Social Security recipients. These are just a few of the criminal things that DOGE investigators have found. USAID is a Scam, and Social Security a PONZI scheme. They have put an end to USAID, and stopped bogus Science grants. In addition DOGE has put a stop to OPM, Consumer Financial Protection Agency, Education Department, F.B.I, C.I.A. They have furloughed employees  and put an end to many of our useless watchdog agencies.  
The White House says that the courts are causing a Constitutional crisis, by trying to prevent DOGE from shutting down many existing criminal bureaucratic agencies. Trump and Musk are rooting out fraud and together will create a new golden age.
We will be reaping billions of dollars for America with Tariffs on countries that are unfairly ripping us off.
Elon Musk is creating jobs and with Space X and brain implant research. They may soon put a man on Mars and claim the planet for the United States. Jobs will be created by our State Department by their spending $400,000,000 to purchase Armored Tesla's. 
Things are happening fast and we are seeing the dawning of a new golden Age.
God bless America.

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 2/12/25
Friday is Valentine’s Day and I don’t feel any love coming from the government for the American people, only fear.
I am disgusted with Trump and DOGE. Trump and his boss Musk are running roughshod over the American people and destroying our civil service in the process. Trump said that they are making Government “More efficient” and preventing  waste fraud and abuse. All that they are doing is destroying our government’s ability to function for the benefit of the American people. Musk’s kid investigators are tying to use an axe instead of a scalpel in their approach to “efficiency.”  We have people who have no idea or care for what a government agency is supposed to do looking into its functioning. I heard this explained to me using the example of a doctor who says he wants to cure acne by cutting off people’s heads. 
We are seeing insanity at work. Entire agencies are being shut down, government contracts are being reengaged on and millions of people will be suffering as a result of this administration’s thoughtless actions. 
It would appear that Trump is above the law and is not bound by our courts, our congress or our Constitution. He has already defied judges orders and has made a mockery of our Constitution.
The reason for his assault on our government is to allow him to have money to give a huge tax break to himself and his obscenely wealthy friends, including $400 million to Tesla for “Armored Trucks”.
So far, I see Trump’s government cutting all services that will help children, minorities, the poor and working class of people.  They seem to be wanting to hurt people instead of help them, just so the wealthy can get more money.  The right wing claims to be Christian, but their actions are entirely opposite the teaching of the man they call their savior. 
I hope that our nation will be able to survive the insanity of MAGA.

From: R. Patriot 2/05/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump. God saved President Trump so that he could again save America and usher in a new golden age. 
I am pleased to see our President acting quickly to get rid of useless and expensive government agencies. We don’t need a Department of Education, NOAH, USAID, CIA, FBI, National Health or other alphabet of useless bureaucracies that are squandering our tax payer dollars. 
He is quickly repealing stupid environmental restrictions that have hampered business in this country. We are no longer wasting money on the global warming hoax or the fake Green New Deal. We will once again, be able to drill in the Artic, the Ocean and build pipelines to transport oil, which had become the blood of our nation.  We will again be allowed to build without worrying about environmental impacts, or silly wetland rules. Companies can save millions by not being forced to hire Archeologists, Ecologists or other crazy ass specialists before we can cut trees, drain swamps, build dams or erect buildings. 
I can see that we are entering into a new “Golden Age” in America. A “golden age” where business will flourish and industry will, once again, be American.
Thank God for Elon Musk and Donald Trump. America will become great again, and we can all be part of that greatness
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 2/5/25
I am pleased to see my work selling. I like to think that I am talented, but I am also very lucky. There are multitudes of talented artists and very few of them are lucky enough to be able to sell their work. I hope that my luck continues because I think that our economy is on the verge of taking a major nose dive. 
President Trump’s idea of slapping tariffs on everything will only cause other countries to charge tariffs on American goods. We have become dependent on international trade. We trade in goods, food and even electricity. Even when things are manufactured here, they still use foreign components.  Trump thinks that he can raise revenue from tariffs, but we, the consumer, will be the ones paying for his revenue.
Right now, Trump (as well as much of the Republican party) has been bought by an unelected foreign born billionaire who has been allowed to do what ever he wants with our government.  He is systematically and illegally disbanding well established government departments and agencies; circumventing and usurping the power of Congress. He has been allowed to conduct mass firing and furloughing of civil service employees. This is all being done with President Trump’s blessings. The justification for this is to save money so that President Trump can give a big tax break to his billionaire friends in April. 
America and Americans will pay for these actions. Our economy will crash, and America will end up just another third world country, with a multitude of poor people ruled by a few very wealthy oligarchs. 
I do hope that our nation can survive.

From: R. Patriot 1/29/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.
I am angered to see a truck parked in front of my neighbor’s place. I have called the police and they have done nothing.  I may have to take matters into my own hands.
President Trump has done what he promised.  He is working hard to eliminate waste fraud and abuse. He has put a freeze on Federal hiring, and also frozen all payments and grants. He is also working hard to eliminate our huge Federal bureaucracy by offering employees a chance to be bought out of their jobs. His goal is to bring government down to a minimum and cut our National debt. He has surrounded himself with business leaders who know how to save money and cut unnecessary government. He is signing Executive orders that will show Americans how to do more with less. President trump is a self made man, a business giant who will teach all of us how to also stand on our own two feet without having a nanny state to prop us up.
I hope that the Episcopal Church has fired their gay woman Bishop who went out of her way to insult the President of the United States. How dare she try and tell our President how to do his job and show mercy to a bunch of people who want to destroy our Christian/American way of life. She is a nasty woman and she deserves to be punished for all the bad things that she tried to preach. 
People need to understand that Donald Trump was put here by God to save America and we don’t need a fake woman cleric to try and interfere with his mission from God. 
God is with us, and God is for the GOP.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne 1/29/25
I am still carving marble outdoors in a tent with the sides rolled up.  The weather is cold, and the weatherman is predicting rain tomorrow and this weekend. I have to wear a dust mask so that I don’t breath what I am carving. 
I am saddened and disgusted when I observe the antics of our newly elected President. He is doing what he said he would do by being a dictator on day one. He is trying to rule by decree.  He has illegally fired a number of Inspector Generals and illegally impounded all government grants and payments. What disgusts me even more is that it would appear that he might get away with his illegal and unconstitutional actions. Millions in Africa may die because he has suspended money for our Global HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs. Not only will people die, if something isn’t done, but suspending treatment can cause a new HIV epidemic. 
He has suspended Foreign Aid for at least 90 days and illegally stopped support for Head Start, WIC, heating assistance, infrastructure projects and other spending that has been approved by Congress.  What is even sadder, is that it appears that no Republicans have the guts to stand up and tell him that what he is doing is illegal and is hurting our nation.
I was amused last week when Trump said that he was insulted by Episcopal Bishop Budde at last weeks National Prayer Service. He is demanding an apology from her for having the audacity to ask him to show mercy toward immigrants, gay and others who are scared.  He didn’t seem to understand that she was preaching things that Jesus taught.  I suspect that if Trump were in authority during Jesus’s time, that he would be in the forefront loudly yelling for the Romans to crucify the man that Christians call “Savior.”
I wonder if Americans can see who or what they have put into power?


From: R. Patriot 1/22/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.  
I was so inspired by his inauguration address. We are so blessed and I felt a shudder come over me when he said; “The golden age of America begins right now…”
He spoke truth, when he said that “God saved him so that he could lead America again.” He is truly God’s chosen one and he will again make America proud. He has freed the January 6th Hostages, removed DEI hires, and will cancel birthright citizenship. America again will become free, white, and Christian. No longer will we have hoards of dangerous people scurrying over our borders and ravaging our nation. We will send them back to their Sh*t hole countries and the prisons and asylums that spewed them out. We will no longer have to fear transgender perverts using restrooms to molest our women. Once again, our Doctors and researchers will be Americans who will work for America and Americans; and we will be able to understand them when they try to speak English. I expect to see our grocery prices go down, gas will become cheap again and drug prices will decline, so that we all will be able to afford our meds. 
No more will we have to fear Antifa or far left fear mongers. Our President is a man of law and order, and his people will insure that America remains a country of law and order. 
I know that President Trump and his excellent Cabinet choices will all be here to make life better for us all.
In my heart I know and expect to see that a new golden age of America will begin again.
God bless America.

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 1/22/25
Smokey is at school and our kids are either in school or at pre-school.  I am in the process of working with some of my remaining marble. Because of the dust, I am taking advantage of the weather and doing some of my work outside.  We have a tent and a heater, but, even with a kerosene outdoor heater, things are really chilly.  
Smokey and I are donating some of my art money to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and our food bank. My hope is that with this money, these organizations will help others.
Trump is going after trans people by suspending their lawful protections. He has filed an Executive Order cancelling government diversity equity and inclusion programs.  The first thing that Hitler did, before he went after the Jews was to go after trans people. Trans people are one of the smallest minorities in our nation and they are the easiest group to pick on. He says that he will also activate the centuries old Alien Enemies Act of 1798. This act gives the President extraordinary powers during war time…. But we are not at war.  We have not declared war on any nation, at least not yet.
Worst of all President Trump just released 1500 insurrectionist. People who were responsible for 5 police deaths. They  also put 140 police officers in the hospital and permanently injured a number of them. These people damaged and defecated in our Capitol…our People’s house. Trump’s insurrectionists tried to stop the lawful transition of power and Trump has now set them loose.  
I believe that Trump wants to use them as part of his own paramilitary to frighten others… and I suspect that he might succeed in doing this very thing. 
Our nation has elected a lawless man as President, and now we need to prepare ourselves for the consequences of our actions.  
God help us all. 

From: R. Patriot 1/15/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, our President, Donald Trump.  I am glad to see that my neighbor finally has removed the boat trailer that he had parked across the street. I suspect that two flat tires were enough to provide him with incentive to more it. 
I can see God’s hand in work with President Trump. His first nomination of Pete Hegseth is going ahead with all of God’s Republicans voting to confirm him. I expect to see the rest of his proposed nominations to be accepted as well.  
A new light is shining on America in the form of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. No more will our country or our progress be hindered by “Woke” or Commie Socialistic Greenies. The right people are in power and the right people are there making changes in the old and wrong ways that your country has gone. We will expel the brown wave of criminal, disease infested foreigners, and replace them with a clean white slate of true Americans. God’s kingdom is close at hand and Donald Trump and MAGA will make it happen. 
My hope, eventually, is to see just God’s party to permanently govern our nation. We don’t need no commie demorats, illegals, or welfare cheaters stealing from hard working Americans like myself.  I worked for all that I have and I have never ever asked for welfare or any other government help. 
I am a self made man and America is a country of people who can stand on their own two feet without big brothers help. I am proud to be an American.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokie’s Wife) 1/15/25
The Kids are in school and pre-school. Smokey is busy with schoolwork and I am also busy with various art projects. Despite being busy, I can still take time to post on the Update. 
I have been watching the Senate Interviews on Trump’s proposed Cabinet members.  I was disgusted watching Pete Hegseth, a drunk, incompetent businessman and serial adulterer being interviewed to head the Defense Department...Our Nation’s largest government agency. It would appear that the Republicans don’t want a competent person in charge, all they want is someone who will serve Trump as his lapdog and do his will.
My understanding is that the Trump Administration plans to cut and possibly eliminate all money for education and the public broadcasting system. He also plans to cut food stamps, reduce support to federal employee insurance benefits, Children’s health insurance programs and put a cap on and add a work requirement to Medicaid. The joke about a work requirement is that most people on Medicaid are either too old, or physically incapable of working. People will die, children will be hurt, and poor/middle class people will be punished, just so Trump and MAGA will have money to give a tax cut to the very wealthy.  What we are seeing is not the America of our founders, but a Fascist oligopoly.  

From: R. Patriot 1/8/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, Donald Trump, who will this month, again be our President. 
A boat on a trailer sits across the street from me in front of my neighbor’s house. I have called in complaints to the authorities and they have ignored me. The boat trailer now has two flat tires and the picture that they create is disgraceful.  You would think that we are supposed to be a nation of law and yet the authorities seem to ignore me. 
I am so very excited to read about our President elect.  He has so many good ideas.  I love the idea of them renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, and I  think we need to invade Panama and retake the Panama Canal away from the Chinese. I understand that Greenland is important to our nations security and I am sure that President Trump will offer Denmark a fair price for the big island. If they don’t sell it to us, we will have to use our Military to secure it to protect our country. God is on our side and no one will want to stand up to oppose us.  
I am sure that President Trump was just joking when he said that he would make Canada our 51st state, but it really isn’t a terrible idea. The Canadians would be so much better off than they are now. They would pay less in taxes and they would not have to wait months or have to send people to the United States so that they could get medical treatments. 
Our nation and the world will be so much better off than it is now once President Trump, again, takes the reins of our nation. 
God bless America.

From: Suzanne 1/8/25
Smokey is back in school and I am back to writing his blog.  Sean is back in School and I am starting Rosie in pre-school.  She seems pretty happy about it, and we seem to have enough money coming in from my art projects to pay her tuition. 
I have been appalled by Trump, his choices for Government positions and his proposed Tariffs and his crazy idea about re-naming the Gulf of Mexico. Trump said that he would “Fix” inflation and lower the prices of groceries. So far, I don’t see how he will be able to do any of that, particularly since he wants our county to invade Greenland and Panama. Both are sovereign countries. I understand that Trump owes the country of Panama back taxes in the millions for profits from his hotels. I suspect that is the real reason why he wants our nation to re-invade Panama and it has nothing to do with the canal.  
I am not sure how high Tariffs on our friends in Canada or Mexico or tax breaks for billionaires will help anyone other than billionaires.  My big fear is that we will not just have a recession, but a war and real depression if Trump is allowed to run wild. 
Facebook will no longer fact check and our news media seems to want to play nice with Trump.  Trump wants to totally defund PBS and wants to change the liable laws so that he can sue anyone who does not say nice things about him. 
Russia has Pravda (The Truth) and Ivestia (The News), somethings that I don’t expect to see much of, as long as Trump and his wealthy Oligarch friends hold power.   
I so hope that we eventually will have another election in our future, and out American democratic system will be able to survive greedy Trump and his crazy cohorts.

From: R. Patriot 1/1/25
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, who will be our returning President, Donald Trump. 
I am getting sick and tired of my neighbor parking on the street. First an old pickup, then a truck, and now his boat. I have called the Sheriff and he has not done anything about it. I may have to take the law into my own hands to stop them from parking across the street from me. 
Sometimes you get an offer that you would like to take advantage of, but your best judgement won’t let you. I just read that for $100,000 I could meet and pray with President Trump in Washington on Inauguration day. I would so love to do this and be praying in the same room as the great man. I have the money, but my live in girl friend won’t let me do it. She pointed out, that we need to look after our renters, and (as much as I hate to fly) I would have to make airline reservations to go to D.C. My girl friend would like to go as well, but she seems to think that there are other things that we could do with this money. Still it would be such an honor to be in his presence and to be able to pray with a man who is God’s choice to rule our nation. I think that $100,000 is a reasonable amount for the privilege of praying with him. Sometimes people need to make hard decisions, and I think I will reluctantly pass on what might be the opportunity of my lifetime. 
My girlfriend says that I can still pray for President Trump while I am at home here and I am sure that God will hear me. I can feel the love emanating from God by my just thinking about being with our President.  
God bless America.

From: Smokey 1/1/25
I am enjoying a few days off from school. Working for the Burger place part time is fine and a great break from having to study for classes. 
Suzanne and the kids are busy with various projects. Suzanne is very active politically and is very concerned that the Trump MAGA people want to have a Article V Constitutional Convention. All they need are six more states to allow this to happen. 
Big money groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are spending big money lobbying state lawmakers, demanding that they vote to ratify the convening of an Article V Convention.  They hope to radically reshape our Constitution making it easier for our nation to become fully Fascist. 
They plan to change 14th Amendment birthright citizenship. In addition they also want to shred First Amendment protections, roll back Civil Rights, gut Medicare, Medicated and other safety-net programs. 
If just six more states sign on, they will have a super majority allowing them to convene a convention and tear apart our existing U.S. Constitution.
I don’t believe that people understand how serious this threat is and what it will do to what is left of our American Democratic system of government.
If you care about our nation, then please write and call our legislators… also if you can afford it, please donate to Common Cause. Your call, your letter, your donation just might make the difference between Democracy and Fascism.

From: R. Patriot 12/25/24
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, who will be our returning President, Donald Trump. The rents from my rental units come due on the first of the year and I don’t expect any to be late. I am a good Christian and I expect people to be like me and pay me what they owe.
I am pleased to see Donald Trump has planned in advance on the people who he can appoint to help him run our nation.  RFK Jr, Pete Hegseth, Dr. Oz,  Kash Patel, as well as Billionaires, Media stars and family.  He has chosen people who he can trust to support him, while putting a check on the “Deep State.”  
Donald Trump’s choices will all help him Make America great Again.  He will reform Civil Service, stop illegal immigration, provide America with a meaningful health plan, stop stupid environmental rules and make our nation safe for business and the accumulation of wealth. 
He will not be swayed by the phony global warming hoax, or allow for dangerous vaccines to be given to our children.  We will no longer have to worry that our kids will go to school and be tricked into changing their sex, or have to worry that our pets will end up as food for illegals. 
He will stop the druggies, rapists and murderers who illegally cross our borders and once again, our nation will become safe for Americans. 
God chose Donald Trump to right past wrongs and make America for Americas. 
God bless you Donald Trump and God bless America. 

From: Smokey 12/25/24
Merry Christmas Everyone. Even Though Suzanne is Wiccan my family still celebrates Christmas. We also celebrate the Winter Solstice, the Shortest day of the year and the time when the days begin to start getting longer.  We have a Christmas tree, presents, stuffed stockings, and Christmas candy. We try to make sure that the kids enjoy all the fun of Christmas as well as Suzanne’s Wicca stuff. 
We made Christmas baskets for all of the neighbors including the nasty fat guy at the end of the road. Even Suzanne likes the real Christian idea of giving good for evil and our kids are not ignorant of the Christmas story, the Sermon on the Mountain or the poetry of the 13th Chapter of Corinthians. 
We all try to practice giving, compassion and kindness. In Suzann’s Wicca they believe in the seven fold rule. What you give (be it good or evil) can come back to you 7 fold.  Not a bad thought. In many ways the Hindu concept of Karma fits in with this as well. 
We may be concerned about the selfish, evil and nasty people who are in the process of taking over our government, but these people will eventually reap what the sow. Hate does not breed love, nor does fear of others or greed bring about true happiness. 
Karma folks, I really do believe in karma. 
Merry Christmas to you all. 

From: R. Patriot 12/18/24
God bless America, the GOP and God’s anointed, who will be our returning President, Donald Trump.
I am cutting a big check that I plan to send to the “Save America PAC” to help President Trump defray some of his outstanding expenses. Running for President while fighting dozens of capricious court actions can be very costly. The small amount that I am able to send won’t solve his problems, but every little bit will help.
I am looking forward to President Trump making our nation better for all of us. He will make sure that America will again the shining light on the hill that all other nations will look up to. Americans can, again, hold their heads up and be proud.
When you give money to Donald Trump, you are actually doing God’s work, since he is God’s choice to rule America. 
President Trump is appointing the very best and wisest people that our nation has to help him lead our country. He has planned ahead and if Congress does not support his appointments, then he will just make Interim appointments when Congress is not in session. Hopefully, no one will stand in President Trump’s way and try to stop him from making our nation better. He is God’s chosen one and people better not mess with God.
I am looking forward to a bright and glowing future.
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 1218/24
School is out for Smokey and it is Winter break. Instead of working at home his employer (which is paying for his school) plans to have him work Summers and during winter break. Smokey, seems happy to oblige so I am writing his blog for him. 
We have been sending money to ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the Food Bank. I hope what I send will help.  I am very concerned about the direction our nation is going, when people elected a man who campaigned on hate, fear and vengeance.  I was told that people voted for Trump because they thought that he would lower the price of eggs. I expect inflation to run wild, if Trump is allowed to institute a multitude of Tariffs on all of our trading partners. 
I am also disgusted with his Cabinet choices. It would appear that his choices are being given as rewards to favorite Fox TV hosts, big contributors, friends and relatives. 
He has picked family, crooks, conmen and sex abusers for high government posts. Not only is he planning to rule like a petty tyrant, but one who only wants sycophants to nod “yes” instead of giving him good advice. 
My fear is that America may not survive the next four years. I do hope that I am wrong and kinder, wiser heads will prevail. 

From: R. Patriot 12/11/24
God bless America, the GOP and our returning President, Donald Trump.
I noticed a bunch of damn kids riding their bicycles in front of my place. It’s early afternoon and I am surprised that they aren’t in school. My live-in girlfriend says that Wednesday is an early release day.
I am a taxpayer and I resent the schools letting kids out early.
I am looking forward to Donald Trump implementing a Department of Government Efficiency. It is about time that we run our nation as a business instead of a service.  We don’t need a Commy-socialistic government of Demorats. We are all paying too much in taxes and it is about time that this sort of crap stops. Thank God for Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.  I bought a mug with both of their pictures on it from Etsy. I bought the mug as a reminder that these  people (along with JFK Jr., Dr. Oz, Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, and others will help make America great again. 
I trust President Trump’s choices. I am sure that the rest of America will as well. These people are the best of the best and we are so lucky to have them helping our President run the greatest country in the world. 
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 12/11/24
Smokey has finished all of his finals. I asked him  how he thought he did, and he responded with a “I-done’-know” (one word). I guess that is a definite maybe.  I suspect that he did just fine, because he spent a lot of time studying. 
Both Smokey and I are doing well, but I question whether we will have any Social Security or Medicare in our futures.  Trump is appointing both Musk and that rich kook Ramaswamy to form a Department of Government efficiency.  One of their stated plans is to fire two thirds of all Federal workers. What they will accomplish by doing this will be to eliminate almost all government services. They also want to turn Social Security over to Wall Street and eliminate actual Medicare and Medicaid. 
My fear is that old people and the disabled will be turned out into the streets to die, hungry and homeless. They have stated that they plan to do all of this through “Executive Action” rather than by rule of law. They are planning to have our nation’s top executive rule by proclamation...Like a king or a true Dictator. 
I can’t believe that people are this dumb to allow this to happen. They have elected a man who wants to destroy government services to the needy and rule only for the rich and very wealthy.
If Congress allows them to get away with their plans, it will be the death of our American Dream and the end of almost 250 years of our American Democracy. 
From: R. Patriot 12/4/24
God bless America, the GOP and our returning President, Donald Trump.
I am really disgusted about hearing that the St. Helens School District is filled with sex offenders. I wonder how these people were ever hired and how it is that they were still allowed to teach.  They need to fire all of the teachers, administrators and their entire school board. 
I was listening to St. Helens Mayor Jenn Massey and I agree with her when she says that the problem could be solved by hiring more police. Thank God that we have Donald Trump as President.  He will make a clean sweep of sex offenders in our government and schools. I am looking forward to President Trump’s big sweep of our government.
In the meantime, poor Rudy Guiliani is being fined millions of dollars that he doesn’t have, just because he asked the wrong questions about the last election.  
There are so many wrongs about our government that need righting.  Thank God that Donald Trump is again in power.  He alone will save us. 
God bless America. 

From: Suzanne (Smokey’s Wife) 12/4/24
It’s finals week at college and Smokey is hitting the books and sweating. He has done real well so far, and I really expect him to do good, despite his worries. 
I sold some of my art, yesterday, and used my commission to send a fairly large donation to Planned Parenthood. They need the money, but I suspect that what I sent was just a “drop in the bucket.” 
President-elect Donald Trump, who has repeatedly and infamously been accused of sexual assault and misconduct, is now filling his Cabinet with multiple men who have allegedly committed the same type of violence. He plans to fill his Cabinet with Election deniers, crooks and incompetents. I believe that what he is creating might be called a Kakistocracy. The definition of Kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. I never thought that we, in our life times, would see this happen to our country. 
My fear is that this may be ushering in the end of what is left of our democratic system of government. 
I hope that I am wrong, and that good sense will prevail both in the Democratic as well as the Republican parties and that Congress will provide a positive check on Trump and his cohorts bad decisions. 

From: R. Patriot 11/27/24
God bless America, the GOP and our returning President, Donald Trump. He is God’s anointed and our creator lifted him up so as to bring America back to the greatness of yore.  
My live-in girl friend and I were disgusted when we discovered that there won’t be any local restaurants open on Thanksgiving. It looks as if we will have to go into Portland and  eat at Dennies, if we want a Thanksgiving meal.  None of my kids want anything to do with me, and frankly, the feeling is mutual.  One positive thing is that I don’t have to buy any of them Christmas presents. 
Great things will be coming to America. No more will we see hoards of brown skinned illegals pouring over our borders. They are (as our New President tells us) “vermin” bringing in crime and disease. They are living on our welfare and our good will and they are misusing our hard earned tax money.  
President Trump will make sure that we will finally see our country prosperous again and we all will prosper with it. We will quickly get out of Biden’s recession and Americans (with the help of our President’s Tariffs) will see our local manufacturing grow. President Trump’s may actually bring about the end to the need for an Income tax and we will find other countries, pay to make our country prosperous again.

I am pleased and thankful that we will be part of MAGA and will do our part to make America great Again 
God bless America.

From: Suzanne 11/27/24
No politics today. We don’t need political pundits telling us how great they will make our country or why a certain political persuasion is better for us than others. 
It is Thanksgiving and our family plans to celebrate the day with turkey, sweet potato’s, pies and appreciation for all the good things that we need to remember.  In Wikka, we celebrate Maybon on November 23rd, the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance when leaves change and all take the time to give thanks. Mabon is a pagan festival that holds deep significance for those who honor the cycles of nature and the divine feminine. We Wiccans use this time to explore the significance of Mabon and try and connect ourselves to the essence of this magical season. 
It is never wrong to give thanks for our creation and for all the good in our world. That is why we also celebrate the traditional American Thanksgiving. 
All peopled, all groups and all cultures celebrate some sort of thanksgiving.  It is in our nature.  It is also a positive thing, and one that builds up and strengthens the spirits of all who take the time to be thankful.  
We pray for hope, and we wish that all will celebrate a time of blessed thankfulness.  
As we say in Wicca: “Blessed be.”